Se você rouba as idéias de um autor, é plágio.
Se você rouba as idéias de muitos autores, é pesquisa.
Wilson Mizner (1876-1933) Dramaturgo americano


Abell, G., Morrison, D., Wolff, S., Exploration of the Universe, Saunders College Publishing, 1991

Boczko, R., Conceitos de Astronomia, Edgard Blücher, 1984

Caspar, M.,Kepler, Dover, 1993

Clayton, Donald D., Principles of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis, McGraw-Hill, 1968

Chaisson, Eric & McMillan, Steve, Astronomy Today, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall Inc, 1997

Cox, John P. (1926-1984) e Giuli, R. Thomas, Principles of Stellar Structure, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1968

Dreyer, J.L.E., A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler, Dover Publications, 1953.

Geymonat, L., Galileu Galilei, Editora Nova Fronteira, 1997

Einstein, Albert, Relativity: The Special and the General Theory, Bonanza Books, 1961

Hansen, Carl John (1933-) e Kawaler, Steven Daniel (1958-), Stellar Interiors: Physical Principles, Structure, and Evolution, Springer-Verlag, 1994

Karttunen, H., Kröger, P., Oja, H., Poutanen, M., Donner, K.J. (Eds), Fundamental Astronomy, Springer, 1996

Maciel, W. (Ed.), Astronomia e Astrofísica, IAG/USP, 1991

Maury, Jean-Pierre, Newton, the Father of Modern Astronomy, Harry N. Abrans editor, 1992

Misner, Charles W. (1932-), Thorne, Kip S. (1940-), & Wheeler, John Archibald (1911-), Gravitation, W.H. Freeman & Co., 1973.

Morrison, D., Wolff, S, Fraknoi, A., Abell's Exploration of the Universe, Saunders College Publishing, 1995

Robbins, R., Jefferys, W., Shawl, S., Discovering Astronomy, John Wiley & Sons, 1995

Shu, Frank, The physical Universe; An Introduction to Astronomy, Universe Science Books, 1982

Smart, W.M., Textbook on Spherical Astronomy, Cambridge University Press, 1977

Schwarzschild, Martin (1912-1997), Structure and Evolution of the Stars, Dover Publications, 1958.

Zeilik, M., Astronomy - The Evolving Universe, John Wiley & Sons, 1994

Zeilik, M., Smith, E., Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics, Saunders College Publishing, 1987

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Modificada em 17 mar 2006