
"Stellar Interiors," 2nd ed., by Hansen, Kawaler, & Trimble Copyright 2004, Springer-Verlag, NY ************************************************************************ FORTRAN computer programs and demonstration modules relevant to stellar structure and evolution. They come from several sources, including colleagues and friends in astronomy and astrophysics, and some are due to the authors of the text. We have made every attempt to make them user-friendly, although some modules will only run on Windows based PCs. There are eight sub-directories, listed below with a brief description of their contents. Note that each of these directories contain their own readme files in which you will find many more details.
        The sub-directories are, in alphabetical order,

        ATMOS:     a Windows PC executable file to construct gray
                atmospheres (by Odell & Pesnell). The output is graphical.

        BZAMS:     three versions of a FORTRAN code to compute
                main sequence models (plus Windows PC executable files).
                The versions differ only in what equations of state and
                opacities are used. A code for analyzing pulsations is
                also included.

        EVOLUTION: contains  Windows PC executable files to make main sequence
                models and evolve them (for 1 and 10 solar masses). The output
                is graphical (by Odell & Pesnell).

        MISC:      contains FORTRAN programs to compute simple equations of
                state and Cox-Stewart opacities. Windows PC executable files
                are also included.

        PACZYNSKI: contains versions of the "Paczynski" codes (in FORTRAN plus
                Windows PC executables) to evolve hydrogen burning models.

        StellarEvolnDemo: a tutorial on stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis
                (by Lattanzio and colleagues). It is in HTML.

        WD:        a FORTRAN code (plus a Windows PC executable file) to make
                zero-temperature electron degenerate white dwarfs.

        ZamsPuls:  two FORTRAN codes (plus Windows PC executable files)
                to make main sequence models and analyze them for adiabatic

5 files
4 files
17 files
8 files
13 files
13 files
4 files
14 files