Gabriel Ramos Lauffer, Alejandra Daniela Romero, & S. O. Kepler, 2018, New full evolutionary sequences of H- and He-atmosphere massive white dwarf stars using MESA, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 480, L1547. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty1925,
link_type=EJOURNAL |
db_key=AST |
Julieta P. Sánchez Arias, Alejandra Daniela Romero, Alejandro Hugo Córsico, Ingrid Pelisoli, Victoria Antoci, S. O. Kepler, Leandro Gabriel Althaus & Mariela A. Corti, 2018, Comparing the asteroseismic properties of pulsating pre-extremely low mass white dwarf and Delta Scuti stars, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 616, id.A80, 14 pp. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201731808,
Keaton J. Bell, Ingrid Pelisoli, S. O. Kepler, W. R. Brown, Don Earl Winget, Karen I. Winget, Zach Vanderbosch, Brabara Garcia Castanheira, J. J. Hermes, Michael Houston Montgomery, & Detlev Koester, 2018, The McDonald Observatory search for pulsating sdA stars Asteroseismic support for multiple populations, Astronomy & Astrophysics, A6, 11 pp.,
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833279, |
utm_medium=email |
Fabíola Campos, Ingrid Pelisoli, S. Kamann, T.-O. Husser, Stefan Dreizler, A. Bellini, Edward Lewis Robinson, D. Nardiello, G. Piotto, S. O. Kepler, Alina G. Istrate, Don Earl Winget, Michael Houston Montgomery & Aron Dotter,
Outliers: multicolour photometry guiding the search for evolved binary
systems in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 481, 4397-4409,
Leila M. Calcaferro, Alejandro Hugo Córsico, Leandro Gabriel Althaus, Alejandra Daniela Romero, & S. O. Kepler,
2018, Pulsating low-mass white dwarfs in the frame of new evolutionary sequences,
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620, A196, 12 p.,
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833781
Gustavo Ourique, Alejandra Daniela Romero, S. O. Kepler, Detlev Koester, Larissa A. Amaral, 2019,
A study of cool white dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 482, Issue 1, 1 January 2019, p. 649-657, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty2751,
Ingrid Pelisoli, Keaton J. Bell, S. O. Kepler & Detlev Koester,
2019, The sdA problem - III. New extremely low-mass white dwarfs and their precursors from Gaia astrometry,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 482,
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sty2979
1999 - Fundamentos de Astronomia e Astrofísica, Segunda Edição, livro com
Maria de Fátima Oliveira Saraiva - Instituto de Física UFRGS, 475 páginas.
- Introdução à Astronomia e à Astrofísica, CD-ROM e hipertexto.
- Interiores Estelares, livro e hipertexto
2000 - Astronomia e Astrofísica, livro com
Maria de Fátima Oliveira Saraiva - Editora da UFRGS, ISBN 85-7025-510-1, 585 páginas.
2001 - Evolução e Interiores Estelares, livro e hipertexto - UFRGS.
2003 - Astronomia e Astrofísica, CD-ROM
para o Instituto do Milênio para Evolução de Estrelas e Galáxias na Era dos Grandes
Telescópios: Instrumentação para Gemini e SOAR.
2004 - Astronomia e Astrofísica, livro
Kepler Oliveira & Maria de Fatima Saraiva,
Editora Livraria da Física,
ISBN: 85-8832-523-3,
760 páginas,
2a. edição.
2014 - Astronomia e Astrofísica, livro
Kepler Oliveira & Maria de Fatima Saraiva,
Editora Livraria da Física,
ISBN: 978-85-7861-187-3,
780 páginas,
3a. edição.
2017 - Astronomia e Astrofísica, livro
Kepler Oliveira & Maria de Fatima Saraiva,
Editora Livraria da Física,
ISBN: 978-85-7861-485-0,
614 páginas,
4a. edição.
Outras Publicações Internacionais:
- Robinson, E.L., and Kepler, S.O. 1980,
"The ZZ Ceti Stars and the
Rate of Evolution of White Dwarfs", Space Science Reviews, 27, 613-620.
Kepler, S.O., Robinson, E.L., and Nather, R.E.
1982, "On the Rate
of Change of Period with Time for a ZZ Ceti Star", in Proceedings
of the Conference on Pulsations in Classical and Cataclysmic
Variables, ed: J.P. Cox and C.J. Hansen, (Jila:Bolder, CO), p. 73-77.
Winget, D.E., Nather, R.E., and Kepler, S.O. 1984,
"PG 1116+158", IAU Circular No. 3932.
Schroder, M.F., Pastoriza, M., Dottori, H.,
Kepler, S.O., Bergmann,
T.S., Ducati, J.R., Livi, S.H.B., Schmidt, A., Bonatto, C., and
Costa, R.D.D. 1985, "Periodic Comet Halley" (1982i)", IAU Circular
No. 4126.
Kepler, S.O. 1986,
"Light and Line Profile Variations Due
to r-Mode Pulsations with an Application to the ZZ Ceti Star G117-
B15A", Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 12, 343.
Winget, D.E., Kepler, S.O., Robinson, E.L.,
Nather, R.E., and
O'Donoghue, D. 1986, Ä Measurement of the Secular
Evolution in the Pre-White Dwarf Star PG1159-035", Revista Mexicana
de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 12, 342.
Ducati, J.R., Kepler, S.O., et al. 1986,
"Strip Photometry of
Comet Halley". in Proceedings do 20th ESLAB Symposium on the
Exploration of Halley's Comet, Heidelberg, FDR.
Ducati, J.R., Kepler, S.O., et al. 1987,
"Strip Photometry of
Comet Halley". Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 14,
Kepler, S.O. 1987, ÄE 1".
International Astronomical Union Circular No. 4332.
Kepler, S.O. 1987,
"Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud",
International Astronomical Union Circular No. 4391 .
Kepler, S.O., Winget, D.E., Robinson, E.L.,
and Nather, R.E. 1988,
Än Improved Limit for the Rate of Change of Period
in the ZZ Ceti Star G117-B15A", in Proceedings of the IAU
Symposium 123, Helio- and Asterosismology, ed. J.C. Dalsgaard,
and S. Frandsen, (D.Reidel, Holland), p. 325-328.
Winget, D.E., and Kepler, S.O. 1988,
"Secular Evolutionary Changes
of the 516s Peak of PG1159-035 in the Presence of New Modes".
Proceedings of the Workshop Multimode Stellar Pulsations, ed. G.
Kovacs, L. Szabados, and B. Szeidel, (Konkoly Observatory-
Kultura: Budapeste), p. 205-208.
Kepler, S.O., Vauclair, G., Nather, R.E.,
Winget, D.E., and
Robinson, E.L. 1989, "G117-B15A - How is it Evolving", in
Proceedings of the IAU Colloquium 114, White Dwarfs, ed. G .Wegner,
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin), p. 341-345.
Kepler, S.O., Steiner, J.E., and Jablonski, F.
1989, "The Optical
Spectrum of V803 Cen", in Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 114,
White Dwarfs, ed. G.Wegner, (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), p. 443-445.
Provencal, J.L., Kepler, S.O., et al. 1989,
"The Time Dependence
of the Phases of the Harmonics Relative to the 1490 sec Fundamental
in PG1346+082", in Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 114, White
Dwarfs, ed. G.Wegner, (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), p. 296-299.
Kepler, S.O. 1990,
"Structure and Evolution of White Dwarfs", Revista
Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 21, 335-345.
Kanaan, A., and Kepler, S.O. 1990,
Än Analysis of the Light Curve of the ZZ Ceti Star G117-B15A",
Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 21, 365-368.
Giovannini Jr., O., Kepler, S.O., and Kanaan, A.
1991, "Determination of Radial Velocity Variations in the Ap Star HR1217",
Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, 21, 417-420.
Kepler, S.O. et al. 1991,
Ä Measurement of the Evolutionary Timescale
of the Cool White Dwarf G117-B15A with WET",
in Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on White Dwarfs,
ed. G. Vauclair and E. Sion, (Kluwer, Dordrecht), p.143-151.
Fontaine, G., Brassard, P., Wesemael, F., Kepler, S.O., and Wood, M.A.
1991, Ön the Interpretation of the dP/dt Measurement in G117-B15A",
in Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on White Dwarfs,
ed. G. Vauclair and E. Sion, (Kluwer, Dordrecht), p.153-158.
Solheim, J.-E., Kepler, S.O., et al. 1991,
"Whole Earth Telescope
Observations of the Interacting White Dwarf Binary System AM CVn: First
Results", in Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on White Dwarfs,
ed. G. Vauclair and E. Sion, (Kluwer, Dordrecht), p.431-439.
Provencal, J.L., Kepler, S.O., et al. 1991,
"Whole Earth Telescope Observations of the IBWD PG1346+082",
in Proceedings of the 7th European Workshop on White Dwarfs,
ed. G. Vauclair and E. Sion, (Kluwer, Dordrecht), p.449-456.
Barstow, M.A., Wesemael, F., Fontaine, G.,
Demers, S., Lamontagne, R., Bergeron, P., Irwin, M.J., Kepler, S.O.,
Vennes, S., Holberg, J.B., Buckley, D., O'Donoghue, D., Kilkenny, D.,
and Stobie, R. 1992, ËC 04552-2812 = RE 0457-28 = MCT 0455-2812",
IAU Circular 5518.
Winget, D.E., Kepler, S.O., et al. 1992,
Ästeroseismology of the DBV White Dwarf GD358 with the Whole Earth
Telescope", in IAU Colloq. 137, Inside the Stars, ed. W.W.
Weiss & A.Baglin, (Provo: Astr.Soc. of the Pacific), p.789.
Wesemael, F., Bergeron, P., Lamontagne, R.,
Fontaine, G., Beauchamp, A., Demers, S., Irwin, M.J., Holberg, J.B.,
Kepler, S.O., and Vennes, S. 1992, "The Hot DAB Degenerates in
the MCT Survey", in White Dwarfs: Advances in Observation
and Theory, ed. M.A. Barstow, NATO ASI Series, p. 353.
Clemens, J.C., Kepler, S.O., et. al.
1992, "Whole Earth Telescope Observations of the DBV White Dwarf
PG1115+158: Preliminary Results",
in White Dwarfs: Advances in Observation
and Theory, ed. M.A. Barstow, NATO ASI Series, p. 515.
Kepler, S.O. 1992, "Supercomputing in Brazil", in
Proceedings of Supercomputing'92, IEEE Computer Society Press, p.129-130.
Barstow, M.A., Wesemael, F., Holberg, J.B.,
Werner, K., Buckley, D.A., Stobie, R.S., Fontaine, G., Rosen, S.R.,
Demers, S., Lamontagne, R., Irwin, M.J., Bergeron, P., Kepler, S.O.,
and Vennes, S. 1993,
"Two New Hot White Dwarfs in a Region of Exceptionally Low
HI Density", Adv. Space Res., 13, No. 12, 281-285.
Kepler, S.O. 1993, "Whole Earth Telescope Data
Analysis", Baltic Astronomy, 2, 515-529
Kepler, S.O., et al. 1993, "Whole Earth Telescope
Data on G117-B15A and G226-29", Baltic Astronomy, 2, 444.
Pfeiffer B., Vauclair G., Dolez N., Chevreton M.,
Fremy J.R.,
Herpe G., Barstow M., Kleinman S.J., Watson T.K., Belmont J.A.,
Kepler S.O., Kanaan A., Giovannini, O., Nather, R.E., Winget, D.E.,
Provencal, J., Clemens, J.C., Bradley, P.A., Dixson, J., Grauer, A.D.,
Fontaine, G., Bergeron, P., Wesemael, F., Claver, C.F., Matzeh, T.,
Leibowitz, E., and Moskalik, P. (1993),
Öbservation of a variable, ZZ Ceti white dwarf :GD 154",
Astrophysics and Space Science, 210, 201-204.
Kepler, S.O., Robinson, E.L., and Nather, R.E.
(1995), "FOS Observations of a Pulsating DA White Dwarf", in
Calibrating Hubble Space Telescope: Post Servicing Mission,
ed. A. Koratkar and C. Leitherer, (STScI: Baltimore), p. 104-107.
Handler, G., O'Donoghue, D., Buckley, D.A.H.,
Giovannini, O., Kepler, S.O., Provencal, J.L., Wood, M.A.,
Clemens, J.C., O'Brien, M.S., Kleinman, S.J., Watson, T.K.,
Nather, R.E., Winget, D.E., Kanaan, A., Nitta, A., Montgomery, M.H.,
Klumpe, E., Bradley, P.A., Sullivan, D.J., Wu, K., and
Leibowitz, E. (1995),"New WET Observations of the
d Scuti Star CD-24 7599; amplitude variability and
discovery of 13 pulsation modes", in A.S.P. Conf. Series V.83,
Astrophysical Applications of Stellar Pulsation, ed.
Stobie, R.S., and Whitelock, P.A. (PASP: San Francisco), p. 331-332.
O'Donoghue, D., Buckley, D.A.H., Warner, B., Solheim, J.-E.,
Meistas, E., Pajdosz, G., Kepler, S.O., Giovannini, O., Haswell, C.A,.
Baptista, R., Neill, J.D., Kanaan, A., Kleinman, S.J., Nather, R.E.,
Sullivan, D.J., Wu, K., Bessell, M.S., Wickramasinghe, D.T.,
Tereshchenko, V., Kardopolov, V., Rspaev, F., Marar, T.M.K., Seetha, S.,
Ashoka, B.N., and Mahra, H.S.
(1995) "Fast multi-site optical photometry of AE Aqr", in
Cape Workshop on Magnetic Cataclysmic
Variables, ASP Conf. Ser. 85, eds. D.A.H. Buckley, B. Warner.
(PASP: San Francisco), p. 384.
Kepler, S.O., Winget, D.E., Nather, R.E.,
Bradley, P.A., Robinson, E.L., Grauer, A.D.,
Fontaine, G., Bergeron, P., Vauclair, G.,
Claver, C.F., Marar, T.M.K., Seetha, S.,
Ashoka, B.N., Mazeh, T., Leibowitz, E., Dolez, N.,
Chevreton, M., Barstow, M.A., Clemens, J.C.,
Kleinman, S.J., Sansom, A.E., Tweedy, R.W.,
Kanaan, A., Hine, B.P., Provencal, J.L.,
Wood, M.A., Wesemael, F., Solheim, J.-E., and
Emanuelsen, P.-I.. 1995,
"Study of the Periodicities of the DAV White Dwarf G117-B15A with the Whole Ear
th Telescope",
Baltic Astronomy, 4, 221-237.
Kepler, S.O.,, Robinson, E.L., and Nather, R.E.. 1995,
"HST Observations of the DAV White Dwarf G226-29",
Baltic Astronomy, 4, 302-310.
Kepler, S.O.,, Giovannini, O., Kanaan,A., Wood,
M.A., and Claver, C.F. 1995,
"Non-Variable Stars Inside the ZZ Ceti Instability Strip",
Baltic Astronomy, 4, 157-165.
Kepler, S.O. and Bradley, P.A.. 1995,
"Structure and Evolution of White Dwarfs",
Baltic Astronomy, 4, 166-220.
Kepler, S.O., Giovannini, O., Costa, A.F.M.,
Winget, D.E., Nather, R. E., Kanaan, A., Kleinman, S.J.,
Marar, T.M.K., Ashoka, B.N.,
Mahra, H.S.,
Solheim, J.-E., Emanuelsen, P.-I., Olsen, Ø ystein,
Meistas, Edmund,
Thereshchenko, Vladimir, Kardapolov, Vladmir, Rspaev, Farid,
Sullivan, D.
Wickramasinghe, D.T., Bessell, M.E.,
Wu, Kinwah,
O'Donoghue, D., Buckley, D.A., Warner, Brian,
Haswell, Carole, Baptista, Raymundo, Neill, Don,
and Birch, Peter. 1995,
"Multi-Site Observations of the DAV R548",
Baltic Astronomy, 4, 238-244.
Costa, J.E.S., Kepler, S.O., & Winget, D.E. 1995,
"Timescale for the variation of the 539s pulsation mode of PG1159-035",
Baltic Astronomy, 4, 334-339.
Pfeiffer, B., Vauclair, G., Dolez, N., Chevreton, M., Fremy, J.-R., Barstow,
M. A., Belmonte, J.A., Kepler, S.O., Kanaan, A., Giovannini,
O., Fontaine, G., Bergeron, P., Wesemael, F., Grauer, A.D., Nather, R.E.,
Winget, D.E., Provencal, J., Clemens, J.C., Bradley, P., Dixson, J.,
Kleinman, S.J., Watson, T.K., Claver, C.F., Matzeh, T., Leibowitz, E.M.,
Moskalik, P. 1995,
"Whole Earth Telescope Observations and Seismological
Analysis of the Cool ZZ Ceti Star GD154",
Baltic Astronomy, 4, 245-260.
Lütz, E.F., Bodmann, B.E.J., Vasconcellos, C.A.Z., Horvarth, J.,
Dillig, M., & Kepler, S.O. 1997,
"Dibaryon Resonance Phase-Transition in the EOS of Nuclear
Matter and the QHD-I Model", in Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Hadron Physics 96, ed. E. Ferreira, R.A.M.S. Nazareth, V.L. Baltar, & J.S. Borg
es, (World Scientific), p.322-325.
Lütz, E.F., Bodmann, B.E.J., Kepler, S.O., & Vasconcellos, C.A.Z.
1997, Ä General Relativity Quantum Field Approach to Neutron Matter",
in Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Hadron Physics 96, ed. E. Ferreira, R.A.M.S. Nazareth, V.L. Baltar, & J.S. Borg
es, (World Scientific), p.330-333.
Kepler, S.O., Robinson. E.L., Koester, D. & Nather, R.E. 1998, "Mode Identification Using the Hubble Space Telescope"
n Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretations:
A Tribute to Arthur N. Cox,
ed. Paul A. Bradley & Joyce A. Guzik, PASP Conf. Series 135, p. 140.
Väth, H., Koester, D., Kepler, S.O., & Robinson, E.L.
1997, "Modeling time-resolved spectra of ZZ Ceti stars",
in Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on White Dwarfs,
ed. J. Isern, M. Hernanz, & E. García-Berro,
(Kluwer: Dorcrecht), p. 481-484.
Marar, T. M. K.; Seetha, S.;
Ashoka, B. N.;
Kasturirangan, K.;
Mahra, H. S.;
Bhattacharyya, J. C.;
Leibowitz, E. M.; Hemar, S.;
Mendelson, H.;
Ibbetson, P. A.;
O'Donoghue, D.;
Buckley, D. A. H.; Breger, M.;
Handler, G.; Sperl, M.;
Serkowitsch, E.; Reegen, P.;
Moskalik, P.; Zola, S.;
Pajdosz, G.; Krzesinski, J.;
Silvotti, R.; Vauclair, G.;
Dolez, N.; Solheim, J. -E.;
Pfeiffer, B.; Kepler, S. O.;
Kanaan, A.; Provencal, J.;
Kawaler, S. D.; O'Brien, M. S.;
Nather, R. E.; Winget, D. E.;
Kleinman, S.; Nitta, A.;
Bradley, P. A.; Guzik, J. A.;
Clemens, C.; Sullivan, D. J.;
Jiang, X.
1998, "The Intermediate Polar PQ Gem - Status of WET Observations of 1996",
Baltic Astronomy, 7, 287-292.
Nitta, A.; Kepler, S. O.;
Winget, D. E.; Koester, D.;
Krzesinski, J.; Pajdosz, G.;
Jiang, Xiaojun; Zola, S.
1998, HST Observation of GD 358",
Baltic Astronomy, 7, 203-209.
Kanaan, A.; Kepler, S. O.;
Giovannini, O.; Winget, D. E.;
Montgomery, M.; Nitta, A.,
1998, BPM 37093: The Way to the Interior of Crystallized Stars",
Baltic Astronomy, 7, 183-196.
Kepler, S. O.; Nather, R. E.;
Metcalfe, T. S.
1998, Ëvolutionary Timescale of the DAV Star G 117-B15A",
Baltic Astronomy, 7, 175-182.
Giovannini, O.; Kepler, S. O.;
Kanaan, A.; Wood, A.;
Claver, C. F.; Koester, D.
1998, "Blue Edge of the ZZ Ceti Instability Strip versus Mass",
Baltic Astronomy, 7, 131-140.
Vauclair, G.; Moskalik, P.;
Pfeiffer, B.; Chevreton, M.;
Dolez, N.; Serre, B.;
Kleinman, S. J.; Sansom, A. E.;
Solheim, J. -E.;
Belmonte, J. A.;
Barstow, M. A.; Kepler, S. O.;
Kanaan, A.; Winget, D. E.;
Watson, T. K.; Nather, R. E.;
Clemens, J. C.;
Provencal, J. L.;
Grauer, A. D.; Bradley, P. A.;
Yang, Jian Shi;
Marar, T. M. K.; Ashoka, B. N.;
Meistas, E.;
Chernyshev, A. V.;
Matzeh, T.; Leibowitz, E. M.;
Krzesi'nski, J.; Pajdosz, G.;
Zola, S.
1998, Ästeroseismology of RXJ 2117+341",
Baltic Astronomy, 7, 99-103.
Costa, J.E.S.; Kepler, S.O.
1998, "Direct Measurement of the Secular Pulsational
Variation of the DOV Star PG 1159-035",
Baltic Astronomy, 7, 83-87.
Nitta, A.; Winget, D. E.; Kepler, S. O.;
Koester. D.;
Krzesi\`nski, J.; Ogloza, W.; Zola, S. & Jiang. X.J.
1999, "Constraints on mode identification using UV observations of GD 358",
11th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Conference Series 169, Edited by
J.-E. Solheim and E. G. Meistas. Astronomical Society of the Pacific (San Franci
sco), p.104-108.
Nitta, A.; Winget, D. E.; Kanaan, A.; Kepler, S. O.;
Sullivan. D.; Kleinman, S.J.; Grauer, A.D.;
Shobbrook, R.; Buckley, D.A.H.; O'Donoghue, D.;
Krzesi\`nski, J.; Van Zyl, L.; O'Brien, M.S.; Montgomery, M.H.;
Nather, R.E.; Provencal, J.L. & Watson, T.K.
1999, Ä Way to the interior of a crystallized white dwarf: BPM 37093",
11th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Conference Series 169, Edited by
J.-E. Solheim and E. G. Meistas. Astronomical Society of the Pacific (San Franci
sco), p.144-148.
Costa, J.E.S. & Kepler, S.O.
1999, "Pulsation periods in the hot white dwarf PG 1159-035",
11th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Conference Series 169, Edited by
J.-E. Solheim and E. G. Meistas.
Astronomical Society of the Pacific (San Francisco),
ISBN 1-886733-91-0, p.92-95.
- Kanaan, A., Winget, D.E., Kepler, S.O., & Montgomery, M.H.
2000, Öbservational Proof of the ZZ Ceti Red Edge",
IAU Colloquium 176,
The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating White Dwarf Research,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 203,
Edited by L.Szabados & D.W. Kurtz, ISBN 1-58381-030-7,
- Kepler, S.O., Costa, J.E.S., Winget, D.E., Reed, M.D.,
& Kawaler, S.D.
2000, "Time Scales for Period Change in Pulsating White Dwarfs",
IAU Colloquium 176,
The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating White Dwarf Research,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 203,
Edited by L.Szabados & D.W. Kurtz, ISBN 1-58381-030-7,
p. 521-522.
- Nitta, A., Mikadam, A., Winget, D.E.,
Kanaan, A., Kleinmann, S.J., Kepler, S.O., &
Montgomery, M.H.
2000, "Search for Cool White Dwarf Pulsators",
IAU Colloquium 176,
The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating White Dwarf Research,
Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 203,
Edited by L.Szabados & D.W. Kurtz, ISBN 1-58381-030-7,
p. 525-527.
- Kepler, S.O., Robinson, E.L., Koester, D.,
Clemens, J.C., Nather, R.E., Jiang, X.H.
"Mode identification in pulsating white dwarfs using the HST",
Baltic Astronomy, 9, 59-68.
- Kanaan, A., Nitta, A., Winget, D.E., Kepler, S.O.
& Montgomery, M.
"BPM37093: Preliminary Results from Xcov16 and Xcov17",
Baltic Astronomy, 9, 87-96.
- Nitta, A., Kanaan, A., Kepler, S.O., Winget, D.E.,
Montgomery, M.H.
"Mode identification of BPM 37093 with the HST",
Baltic Astronomy, 9, 97-112.
- Kepler, S.O., Costa, A.F.M., Giovannini, O. & Koester, D.
"The ML1/a=2 instability strip of ZZ Ceti stars",
Baltic Astronomy, 9, 125-132.
- Reed, M.D., Kilkenny, D., Kawaler, S.D., Mukadam, A.,
Kleinman, S.J., Nitta-Kleinman, A., Provencal, J.L.,
Watson, T., Sullivan, D., Sullivan, T., Shobbrook, B.,
Jiang, X.J., Asshoka, B.N., Seetha, S., Leibowitz, E.,
Ibbetson, P., Mendelson, H.,
Meistas, E.G., Kalytis, R., Alisauskas, D., O'Donoghue, D.,
Martinez, P., van Wyk, F., Stobie, R., Marang, F., Zola, S.,
Krzesinski, J., Ogloza, W., Moskalik, P., Silvotti, R.,
Piccioni, A., Vauclair, G., Dolez, N., Rene-Fremy, J., Chevreton, M.,
Ulla, A., Dreizler, S., Schuh, S., Deetjen, J., Solheim, J.-E.,
Perez, J., Suarez, O., Manteiga, M., Burleigh, M., Barstow, M.,
Kepler, S.O., Kanaan, A., Giovannini, O.,
Metcalfe, T. & Ostensen, R.
"Preliminary Results from Xcov17: PG 1336-018",
Baltic Astronomy, 9, 183-195.
- Costa, J.E.S. & Kepler, S.O.
"Determination of the uncertainties in frequency, amplitude and phase
from Monte Carlo simulations",
Baltic Astronomy, 9, 451-462.
- Mukadam, A. S., Winget, D. E. & Kepler, S. O.
2001, Ïmplications of Constraining the Rate of Period Change with Time in a Pulsating White Dwarf", 12th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 226. Edited by J. L. Provencal, H. L. Shipman, J. MacDonald, and S.
Goodchild. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, ISBN: 1-58381-058-7, p.337
- Mukadam, Anjum; Kepler, S. O.; Winget, D. E.
2001, "The Most Stable Optical Clocks Known", Astrophysical Ages and Times Scales, ASP Conference Series Vol. 245. Edited by Ted von Hippel, Chris Simpson, and Nadine Manset. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, ISBN: 1-58381-083-8, 2001, p.65
- Kepler, S. O., Costa,
J. E. S., Winget, D. E., Nather, R. E., Mukadam, A., Nitta-Kleinman, A., &
O'Brien, M. S. 2003,
"Period Stability on Pulsating White Dwarfs",
in White Dwarfs, proceedings of the conference held at
the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. (NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105), p. 239.
- Schuh, S. L., Nagel, T.; Deetjen, J. L.; Dreizler, S.; Handler, G.;
O'Brien, M. S.; Riddle, R.; Hürkal, Ö.; Pakstiene, E.; Klumpe, E.; Lawrence, T.;
Vuckovic, M.; Zola, S.; Kawaler, S.; Kanaan, A.; Giovannini, O.;
Kepler, S. O.; Mukadam, A.; Provencal, J.; Nitta, A.; Shipman, H.;
Mullally, F.; Grauer, A.; Wood, M. A.; Bradley, P. A.; Kilic, M.; Sekiguchi, K.;
Crowe, R.; Sullivan, D.; Rosen, R.; Clemens, C.; Xiaojun, J.; Janulis, R.;
O'Donoghue, D.; Ogloza, W.; Baran, A.; Silvotti, R.; Marinoni, S.; Vauclair, G.;
Dolez, N.; Chevreton, M.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Solheim, J.-E.; Ulla, A.; Burleigh, M.;
Good, S.; Metcalfe, T.; da Costa, A. F. M.; Costa, J. E. S.; Kim, S.-L.; Lee, H.;
Sergeev, A.; Akan, C.; Cakirli, Ö.; Paparo, M.; Viraghalmy, G.
"Preliminary results of the WET Xcov22 campaign at Calar Alto Observatory",
in White Dwarfs, proceedings of the conference held at the Astronomical
Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. (NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105), p. 263.
- Kanaan, A.,
Winget, D. E., & Kepler, S. O. 2003,
"Search for magnetic fields among non-pulsators in the DAV instability strip",
in White Dwarfs, proceedings of the
conference held at the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. (NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105, p. 265.), 265
- Mullally, F., Mukadam,
A., Winget, D. E., Nather, R. E., & Kepler, S. O. 2003,
"The search for Planets around Pulsating White Dwarf Stars",
in White Dwarfs,
proceedings of the conference held at the Astronomical Observatory of
Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. (NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105), p. 337.
- Mukadam, A., Mullally, F.; Winget, D. E.; Nather, R. E.; Salviander, S.; von Hippel, T.; Reaves, D.; Slaughter, D.; Kepler, S. O.; Sullivan, D. J.; Homeier, D.
"Searching for the Most Stable Pulsating Stars",
in White Dwarfs, proceedings of the conference held at the Astronomical
Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. (NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105), p. 227.
- S.O. Kepler. 2003, "COW: the council of directors of WET",
Baltic Astronomy, 12, 9-10.
- José Eduardo da Silveira Costa, S.O. Kepler, D.E. Winget,
M.S. O'Brien, Howard E. Bond, Steven Kawaler & Stefan Dreizler.
2003, "WET observations of PG1159-035",
Baltic Astronomy, 12, 23-32.
- Virginia Mello Alves, S.O. Kepler, Gerald Handler,
Carl J. Hansen, J.E.S. Costa, Atsuko Nitta, Charles F. Claver,
A. Kanaan, R.E. Nather, D.E. Winget, Scot J. Kleinman, Zhang Jiao Bin,
Jiang Xiaojun, Edmund Mei\brevestas, A. V. Chernyshev,
Peter Ibbetson, E. Leibowitz, Shirley Hemar, Pawel Moskalik,
G. Pajdosz, Gerard Vauclair, Noel Dolez, J. N. Fu, Jan-Erik Solheim,
Benoit Pfeiffer, T. M. K. Marar, B. N. Ashoka, S. Seetha, O. Giovannini,
Darragh O'Donoghue, D. Buckley, M.A. Barstow, & Denis Sullivan.
2003, "The pulsating DB white dwarf PG 1351+489",
Baltic Astronomy, 12, 33-38.
- Barbara Garcia Castanheira, S.O. Kepler, Pawel Moskalik,
S. J. Kleinman, A. E. Sansom, J.-E. Solheim, J. A. Belmonte, S. D. Kawaler,
A. Kanaan, D. E. Winget, R. E. Nather, T. K. Watson, J. C. Clemens, J. Provencal,
A. D. Grauer, P. A. Bradley, Matt A. Wood, N. Achilleos, G. Vauclair, B. Pfeiffer,
M. Chevreton, N. Dolez, B. Serre, J. S. Yang, J. N. Fu, T. M. K. Marar,
B. N. Ashoka, E. Mei\brevestas, A. V. Chernyshev, T. Mazeh, E. Leibowitz,
J. Krzesi\'nski, G. Pajdosz, S. Zoa & J.E.S. Costa.
2003, "WET observations of the DAV G185-32",
Baltic Astronomy, 12, 39-44.
- S.O. Kepler, R. Edward Nather, D.E. Winget,
2003, "WET obsetvations of GD358 in 2000",
Baltic Astronomy, 12, 45-54.
- Sonja L. Schuh, U. Heber, S. Dreizler, S.O'Toole, C.S. Jeffery,
S. Falter, V.M. Woolf, R.L. Riddle, G. Handler, Ö. Hürkal, E. Pakstiene,
E.W. Klumpe, T. Laurance, M. Vuckovic, S. Zola, S.D. Kawaler, A. Kanaan,
H. Monteiro, O. Giovannini,
S.O. Kepler, A. Mukadam, J.L. Provencal, A. Nitta,
H. Shipman, Fergal Mullally, A. Grauer, M.A. Wood, P.A. Bradley,
M. Kilic, K. Sekiguchi, R. Crowe, D.J. Sullivan, R. Rosen,
C. Clemens, J. Xiaojun, R. Janulis, D. O'Donoghue, W. Ogloza,
A. Baran, R. Silvotti, S. Marinoni, G. Vauclair,
N. Dolez, M. Chevreton, J.L. Deetjen, T. Nagel, J.M. González Pérez,
J.-E. Solheim, R. Ostensen, A. Ulla, M. Burleigh, S. Good,
T.S Metcalfe, A.F.M. da Costa, J.E.S. Costa, M.S. O'Brien, S.-L. Kim,
H. Lee, A. Sergeev, C. Akan, Ö. Cakirli,
M. Paparo, & G. Viraghalmy.
2003, "PG 1605+072 in WET Xcov22: support for the multi site spectroscopic telescope", Baltic Astronomy, 12, 55-70
- Anjum S. Mukadam,S.O. Kepler, Donald E. Winget,
R. E. Nather, M. Kilic, F. Mullally, T. von Hippel, S. J. Kleinman,
A. Nitta, J. A. Guzik, P. A. Bradley, J. Matthews, K. Sekiguchi, D. J. Sullivan,
T. Sullivan, R. R. Shobbrook, P. Birch, X. J. Jiang, D. W. Xu,
S. Joshi, B. N. Ashoka, P. Ibbetson, E. Leibowitz, E. O. Ofek, E. G. Meistas,
R. Janulis, D. Alisauskas, R. Kalytis, G. Handler, D. Kilkenny, D. O'Donoghue,
D. W. Kurtz, M. Müller, P. Moskalik, W. Ogoza, S. Zoa, J. Krzesi\'nski,
F. Johannessen, J. M. Gonzalez-Perez, J-E. Solheim, R. Silvotti, S. Bernabei,
G. Vauclair, N. Dolez, J. N. Fu, M. Chevreton,M. Manteiga, O. Suárez,
A. Ulla, M. S. Cunha, T. S. Metcalfe, A. Kanaan, L. Fraga, A. F. M. Costa,
O. Giovannini, G. Fontaine, P. Bergeron, M. S. O'Brien, D. Sanwal, M. A. Wood,
T. J. Ahrens, N. Silvestri, E. W. Klumpe, S. D. Kawaler, R. Riddle, M. D. Reed
& T. K. Watson
2003, "Constraining the evolution of ZZ Ceti",
Baltic Astronomy, 12, 71-104.
- Don W. Kurtz, Steve D. Kawaler, Reed L. Riddle,
M.D. Reed, M.S. Cunha, M. Wood, N. Silvestri, T.K. Watson, N. Dolez,
P. Moskalik, S. Zola, E. Pallier, Joyce A. Guzik, T.S. Metcalfe,
A. Mukadam, R.E. Nather, D.E. Winget, D.J. Sullivan,
T. Sullivan, K. Sekiguchi, X. J. Jiang, R.R. Shobbrook,
P.V. Birch, B.N. Ashoka, S. Seetha, S. Joshi, V. Girish,
D. O'Donoghue, G. Handler, M. Mueller, J.M. Gonzales Perez,
J.-E. Solheim, F. Johannessen, A. Ulla,
S.O. Kepler,
A. Kanaan, A.F.M. da Costa, L. Fraga, O. Giovannini,
J.M. Matthews, C. Cameron, G. Vauclair,
A. Nitta & S.J. Kleinman.. 2003, "High precision with the Whole Earth Telescope: lessons
and some results from XCov20 for the roAp star HR1217",
Baltic Astronomy, 12, 105-118.
- Kepler, S. O., Costa,
J. E. S., Winget, D. E., Nather, R. E., Mukadam, A., Nitta-Kleinman, A., &
O'Brien, M. S. 2003,
"Period Stability on Pulsating White Dwarfs",
White Dwarfs, proceedings of the conference held at
the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105, p. 239.
- Schuh, S. L.; Heber, U.; Dreizler, S.; O'Toole, S.; Jeffery, C. S.; Falter, S.; Woolf, V. M.; Riddle, R. L.; Handler, G.; Hürkal, Ö.; Pakstiene, E.; Klumpe, E. W.; Laurance, T.; Vuckovic, M.; Zoa, S.; Kawaler, S. D.; Kanaan, A.; Monteiro, H.; Giovannini, O.; Kepler, S. O.; Mukadam, A.; Provencal, J. L.; Nitta, A.; Shipman, H.; Mullally, F.; Grauer, A.; Wood, M. A.; Bradley, P. A.; Kilic, M.; Sekiguchi, K.; Crowe, R.; Sullivan, D. J.; Rosen, R.; Clemens, C.; Xiaojun, J.; Janulis, R.; O'Donoghue, D.; Ogloza, W.; Baran, A.; Silvotti, R.; Marinoni, S.; Vauclair, G.; Dolez, N.; Chevreton, M.; Deetjen, J. L.; Nagel, T.; González Pérez, J. M.; Solheim, J.-E.; Østensen, R.; Ulla, A.; Burleigh, M.; Good, S.; Metcalfe, T. S.; da Costa, A. F. M.; Costa, J. E. S.; O'Brien, M. S.; Kim, S.-L.; Lee, H.; Sergeev, A.; Akan, C.; Cakirli, Ö.; Paparo, M.; Viraghalmy, G.
"Preliminary results of the WET Xcov22 campaign at Calar Alto Observatory",
White Dwarfs, proceedings of the conference held at the Astronomical
Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105, p. 263.
- Kanaan, A.,
Winget, D. E., & Kepler, S. O. 2003,
"Search for magnetic fields among non-pulsators in the DAV instability strip",
White Dwarfs, proceedings of the
conference held at the Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105, p. 265.
- Mullally, F., Mukadam,
A., Winget, D. E., Nather, R. E., & Kepler, S. O. 2003, White Dwarfs,
proceedings of the conference held at the Astronomical Observatory of
Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105, p. 337.
- Anjum Mukadam, Fergal Mullally, Donald Earl Winget,
R. Edward Nather, Ted von Hippel, D. Reaves, D. Slaughter,
S. O. Kepler, Denis J. Sullivan, Derek Homeier.
"The search for Planets around Pulsating White Dwarf Stars",
White Dwarfs, proceedings of the conference held at the Astronomical
Observatory of Capodimonte, Napoli,
Kluwer. NATO Science Series II - Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
Vol. 105, p. 227.
- Winget, D. E.; Cochran, W. D.; Endl, M.; Kanaan, A.; Kepler, S. O.; Mukadam, A.; Mullally, F.; Nather, R. E.; Reaves, D.; Slaughter, D.; Sullivan, D. J.; von Hippel, T.
"The Search for Planets Around Pulsating White Dwarf Stars",
Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets, ASP Conference Series, Vol 294, Edited by Drake Deming and Sara Seager. (San Francisco: ASP) ISBN: 1-58381-141-9, 59-64.
- Alves, V.M. & Kepler, S.O. 2003,
"Perspectives so SOAR telescope in the study of pulsating DB white dwarf stars´´,
in Proceedings of the Optical and Infrared Astronomical Instrumentation
for Modern Telescopes, held in Angra dos Reis, Brazil, 16-20 Nov 2003,
ed. Bruno V. Castilho & Clemens D. Gneiding, Laboratório Nacional de
Astrofísica, Itajubá, ISBN 85-98138-01-0, P-58 ( oiainstr/contributions/index.html).
- Castanheira, B.G & Kepler, S.O. 2003,
"Time resolved photometry and spectroscopy of pulsating white dwarf stars´´,
in Proceedings of the Optical and Infrared Astronomical Instrumentation
for Modern Telescopes, held in Angra dos Reis, Brazil, 16-20 Nov 2003,
ed. Bruno V. Castilho & Clemens D. Gneiding, Laboratório Nacional de
Astrofísica, Itajubá, ISBN 85-98138-01-0, P-59 ( oiainstr/contributions/index.html).
- Vasconcelos, Cesar Zen & Kepler, Souza Oliveira 2004,
"Novos Estados da Matéria", Scientific American Brasil,
21, 26-31 (
- Giovannini, Odilon; da Costa, Alex Fabiano Murillo; Castanheira, Barbara Garcia; Kepler, Souza Oliveira 2005, "Mass Determination of DA White Dwarfs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey", Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 334, 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, ed. Koester, Detlev; Moehler, Sabine, p.89-92. (
- Mukadam, A. S.; Winget, D. E.; von Hippel, T.; Montgomery, M. H.; Kepler, S. O.; Costa, A. F. M. 2005,
"Questioning the Purity of the ZZ Ceti Instability Strip", Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 334, 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, 459-464. (
- Kepler, S. O.; Costa, J. E. S.; Mukadam, A.; Mullally, F.; Winget, D. E.; Nather, R. E.; Sullivan, D. 2005, "Measuring Evolutionary Rates", Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 334, 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, 501-505. (
- Castanheira, B. G.; Kepler, S. O.; Nitta, A.; Winget, D. E.; Koester, D. 2005,
"HST Observations of the Pulsating White Dwarf GD 358", Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 334, 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, 549-552. (
- Castanheira, B. G.; Kepler, S. O.; Koester, D.; Handler, G. 2005,
"Revisiting the DBs Instability Strip Using UV Spectra", Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 334, 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, 557-560. (
- Alves, V. M.; Costa, J. E. S.; Kepler, S. O.; Koester, D.
Änalysis of HST and IUE Data of the DBV Star PG1351+489", Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 334, 14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs, 561-564. (
Castanheira, B. G.; Kepler, S. O.
"Discovery of 25 new DAVs",
2006, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 372-375.
Kim, A.; Winget, D. E.; Montgomery, M. H.; Kepler, S. O.
"Driving in ZZ Ceti stars - Problem solved?",
2006, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, 77, 376-379.
Mullally, F., Winget, D.E., & Kepler, S.O.
"Searching for Planets around Pulsating White Dwarf Stars",
2006, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 352,
Frank N. Bash Symposium 2005: New Horizons in Astronomy,
S.J. Kannappan, S. Redfield, J.E. Kessler-Silacci, M. Landriau, and
N. Drory, eds., p.265-268.
Córsico, A. H.; Althaus, L. G.; Miller Bertolami, M. M.; Kepler, S. O.; Costa, J. E. S.
"Asteroseismological Modeling of PG 1159-035, the Prototype of the GW Vir Variable Stars",
Hydrogen-Deficient Stars ASP Conference Series, Vol. 391, proceedings of the conference held 17-21 September, 2007, at Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany. Edited by Klaus Werner and Thomas Rauch. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008., p.199
Kalirai, Jason; Bloom, Joshua S.; Claver, Chuck; Eisenstein, Daniel; Farihi, Jay; Holberg, Jay; Ivezic, Zeljoko; Kepler, S.O.; Kleinman, Scot; Money, Dave; Montgomery, Mike; Nelemans, Gijs; Nitta, Atsuko; Shipman, Harry; Williams, Kurtis; Winget, Don
2009, "White Dwarfs as Astrophysical Probes",
Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, Science White Papers, no. 147.
Castanheira, B. G.; Kepler, S. O.
2008, "Seismology of ZZ Ceti stars",
Communications in Asteroseismology, Vol.157, p. 294-295.
Kepler, S. O.
2008, "Photometric observations of pulsating stars (ground-based)",
Communications in Asteroseismology, Vol.157, p. 24-28.
Mukadam, Anjum S.; Kim, Agnes; Fraser, Oliver; Winget, D. E.; Kepler, S. O.; Sullivan, D. J.; Reaves, D.; Robinson, E. L.; von Hippel, T.; Mullally, F.; Shipman, H.; Thompson, S. E.; Silvestri, N. M.; Hynes, R. I.
"Watching ZZ Ceti evolve", 2009,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 172, Issue 1, pp. 012074.
(DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/172/1/012074,
Nitta, Atsuko; Kleinman, S. J.; Krzenski, J.; Kepler, S. O.; Metcalfe, T. S.; Mukadam, Anjum S.; Mullally, F.; Nather, R. E.; Sullivan, D.; Thompson, Susan E.; Winget, D. E.
"Doubling the number of pulsating DB white dwarfs",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 172, Issue 1, pp. 012073.
(DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/172/1/012073,
Castanheira, B. G.; Kepler, S. O.
2009, "Seismological studies of ZZ Ceti stars",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 172, Issue 1, pp. 012068.
(DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/172/1/012068,
Kepler, S. O.; Castanheira, B. G.
2009, "New pulsating ZZ ceti stars",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 172, Issue 1, pp. 012064.
(DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/172/1/012064,
Provencal, J. L.; Thompson, S.; Montgomery, M.; Kanaan, A.; Shipman, H. L.; Dalessio, J.; Childers, D.; Clemens, C.; Rosen, R.; Henrique, P.; Kim, A.; Strickland, W.; Chandler, D.; Walter, B.; Watson, T. K.; Castanheira, B.; Wood, M.; Vennes, S.; Kepler, S. O.; Reed, M.; Nitta, A.; Kleinman, S. J.; Brown, T.; Kim, S.-L.; Sullivan, D.; Chen, Wen-Ping; Yang, M.; Shih, Chia-You; Jiang, X. J.; Sergeev, A. V.; Maksim, A.; Janulis, R.; Vats, H. O.; Baliyan, K. S.; Zola, S.; Baran, A.; Winiarski, M.; Ogloza, W.; Paparo, M.; Bognar, Z.; Papics, P.; Kilkenny, D.; Sefako, R.; Buckley, D.; Loaring, N.; Kniazev, A.; Silvotti, R.; Galleti, S.; Handler, G.; Nagel, T.; Vauclair, G.; Dolez, N.; Fremy, J. R.; Perez, J.; Almenara, J. M.; Fraga, L.
2009, "Preliminary XCOV26 results for EC14012-1446",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 172, Issue 1, pp. 012061.
(DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/172/1/012061,
Koester, D.; Kepler, S. O.; Kleinman, S. J.; Nitta, A.
2009, "SDSS white dwarf mass distribution at low effective temperatures",
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 172, Issue 1, pp. 012006.
(DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/172/1/012006,
Castanheira, Barbara G.; Kepler, S. O.
"Seismology of White Dwarfs: The ZZ Ceti Stars",
2009, STELLAR PULSATION: CHALLENGES FOR THEORY AND OBSERVATION: Proceedings of the International Conference.
American Institute of Physics
Conference Proceedings, Volume 1170, pp. 616-620.
(DOI: 10.1063/1.3246572,
S.O. Kepler, "Astronomy in Brazil´´,
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union,
6, Transactions T27B, 18-26, Cambridge University Press,
(DOI: 10.1017/S1743921310004795).
S. O. Kepler, Scot J. Kleinman, Ingrid Pelisoli, Viviane Peçanha, Marcos Diaz, Detlev Koester, Barbara Garcia Castanheira, and Atsuko Nitta, 2010,
Magnetic White Dwarfs in the SDSS and Estimating the Mean Mass of Normal DA and DB WDs,
AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1273, eds. Klaus Werner & T. Rauch,
pp. 19-24,
ISBN: 978-0-7354-0823-4
Don Earl Winget, Mike Houston Montgomery, S. O. Kepler, Fabiola Campos, and Pierre Bergeron, 2010,
White Dwarfs in NGC6397 and M4: Constraints on the Physics of Crystallization
AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1273, eds. Klaus Werner & T. Rauch,
pp. 146-151,
ISBN: 978-0-7354-0823-4
Barbara Garcia Castanheira, S. O. Kepler, Scot J. Kleinman, Atsuko Nitta, and Luciano Fraga, 2010,
Discovery of twelve ZZ Ceti stars,
AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1273, eds. Klaus Werner & T. Rauch,
pp. 500-503,
ISBN: 978-0-7354-0823-4
- Kepler de Souza Oliveira Filho, 2010,
O Universo, Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física, Volume 27, 698-722, ISSN 1677-2334
- Maria de Fátima Oliveira Saraiva e S.O. Kepler, 2011,
"Astronomy in basic level schools in Brasil",
The Role of Astronomy in Society and Culture, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 260, p. E18, DOI: 10.1017/S1743921311003383
- S.O. Kepler, 2012, "White Dwarf Stars: Pulsations and Magnetism",
Progress in Solar/Stellar Physics with Helio- and Asteroseismology. Proceedings of a Fujihara Seminar held at Hakone, Japan, 13-17 March, 2011. ASP Conference Proceeding, Vol. 462. Edited by H. Shibahashi, M. Takata, and A.E. Lynas-Gray. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012, p.322-325,
ISBN: 978-1-58381-806-0
- Nitta, A.; Koester, D.; Chu, D.; Thompson, S. E.; Kepler, S. O.; Kleinman, S. J.; Winget, D. E.; Provencal, J. L.; Castanheira, B. G
"UV Time-series Spectroscopy of GD 358",
Progress in Solar/Stellar Physics with Helio- and Asteroseismology. Proceedings of a Fujihara Seminar held at Hakone, Japan, 13-17 March, 2011. ASP Conference Proceeding, Vol. 462. Edited by H. Shibahashi, M. Takata, and A.E. Lynas-Gray. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2012, p.171-175, ISBN: 978-1-58381-806-0.
- S.O. Kepler, 2013, "Mass Distribution and Luminosity Functions for DAs and DBs",
18th European White Dwarf Workshop. Proceedings of a conference held 13-17 August, 2012, at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland. Edited by J. Krzesinski, G. Stachowski, P. Moskalik, and K. Bajan. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 469. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific., p.83-87.,
ISBN 978-1-58381-820-6
- Mukadam, A. S.; Kim, A.; Montgomery, M. H.; Córsico, A. H.; Kepler, S. O.; Romero, A. D.; Winget, D. E.; Fraser, O.; Riecken, T. S.; Kronberg, M. E.; Hermes, J. J.; Winget, K. I.; Falcon, R. E.; Chandler, D. W.; Kuehne, J. W.; Sullivan, D. J.; Reaves, D.; von Hippel, T.; Mullally, F.; Shipman, H.; Thompson, S. E.; Silvestri, N. M.; Hynes, R. I.
2013, "Measuring the Evolutionary Rate of Cooling of ZZ Ceti",
18th European White Dwarf Workshop. Proceedings of a conference held 13-17 August, 2012, at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland. Edited by J. Krzesinski, G. Stachowski, P. Moskalik, and K. Bajan. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 469. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific., p.15-20,
ISBN 978-1-58381-820-6,
- Fabiola Campos, S.O. Kepler & Charles Bonatto,
2013, "Panchromatic fits to the globular cluster NGC 6366",
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v.84, p.195-199,
- Charles Bonatto, Fabiola Campos & S.O. Kepler,
2013, "Mapping the differential reddening in globular clusters",
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, v.84, p.187-190,
- Bárbara Garcia Castanheira & S.O. Kepler,
2014, "The most massive pulsating white dwarf stars",
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Comunicações em Congressos Internacionais:
1982 - Ön the Rate of Change of Period with Time for a ZZ Ceti
Star", Conference on Pulsations in Classical and Cataclysmic
Variables, JILA, Bolder, USA.
1983 - "The Light Curves of the ZZ Ceti Stars G226-29 and GD385",
3rd. Delaware Workshop on White Dwarfs, Université de Montréal,
Montreal, Canadá.
1984 - Äs Pulsações das Estrelas ZZ Ceti" e Ëvolução Secular da
Pré-Anã Branca PG1159-035", IV Reunião Latino-Americana de
Astronomia, Rio de Janeiro RJ - Brasil.
1986 - "The Most Recent Value for the Rate of Period Change in the
ZZ Ceti Star G117-B15A", IAU Symposium 123, Advances in Helio- and
Asteroseismology, Aarhus, Dinamarca.
"The Optical Spectrum of V803 Cen",
"PG1346+082 - Preliminary Results of Extended Coverage I",
IAU Colloquium 114, White Dwarfs, Hanover NH, USA.
1989 - "The Observational Limit on the Evolutionary Rate of a White
Dwarf", Workshop on Origin and Evolution on Compact Stellar
Remnants, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen CO, USA.
- "The Structure and Evolution of White Dwarfs", Invited
Review na VI Reunião Latinoamericana de Astronomia da União
Astronômica Internacional, Gramado RS.
1990 - Ëvolutionary Rate for a Cool White Dwarf", 7th European
Workshop on White Dwarfs, Toulouse, France.
1991 - "Data Reduction and Analysis", Invited Review
- "WET Observations of G117-B15A", Invited Talk
Workshop on the Whole Earth Telescope, Austin, TX, USA.
1992 - Ö Centro de Supercomputação da UFRGS", FENAMERCO,
Feira e Congresso de Informática do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, RS.
- "The Experience in Rio Grande do Sul", International Symposium
on Current Alternatives in High Performance Computing", Campinas, SP.
- "Supercomputing in Brazil and South America",
Supercomputing'92, Mineapolis, MN, USA.
1993 - "Whole Earth Telescope Data Analysis", Invited Review.
- "Whole Earth Telescope Data on G117-B15A and G226-29".
- "R548: Why Should We Observe It?".
The Second Workshop on the Whole Earth Telescope, Vilnius, Lituânia.
1995 - "FOS Observations of a White Dwarf",
Calibrating the HST Post-Costar, Baltimore, USA.
-"HST Observations of the DAV G226-29",
-"Study of the Periodicities of the DA White Dwarf G117-B15A with the WET"
-"Multisite Observations of the DAV R548"
-"Non-Variables Inside the ZZ Ceti Instability Strip"
-"The Timescale for Period Change on the Second Highest Mode of PG1159-035"
The Third Workshop on the Whole Earth Telescope, Ames, IO, USA.
1997 - "Mode Identification Using the Hubble Space Telescope",
A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretations: A Tribute to Arthur N. Cox, Los Alamos, USA.
- Ëvolutionary Timescales for PG1159-035 and G117-B15A",
IV Whole Earth Telescope Workshop, Koninki, Poland.
1999 - Ö Universo é Finito", conferência na 51a Reunião Anual
da SBPC.
- "HST Observations of Pulsating White Dwarfs", V Whole Earth
Telescope Workshop, Toulouse, France.
2002 - "GD358 - Analysis of the 2000 Observations", VI Whole Earth Telescope
Workshop, Napoli, Italia.
- "Period and Amplitude Stability of Pulsating White Dwarfs", NATO Advanced Research Workskop on White Dwarfs, XIII European Workshop, Napoli, Italia.
- Ëstágios Finais de Evolução Estelar¨, palestra de revisão, Reunião Anual da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira
- "Diamantes e outras jóias no espaço¨, V Encontro Nacional de Astronomia, Ouro Preto, MG.
2003 - Ëstrelas Anãs Brancas: Cristais e Relógios", conferência na 55a Reunião
Anual da SBPC, Recife, PE.
- "White Dwarf as Laboratories", First International Workshop on Astronomy and Relativistic Astrophysics, Olinda, PE.
- Coordenação das discussões: "Discussion - SOAR early science" &
"Discussion - SOAR Operations", Optical and Infrared Astronomical Instrumentation
for Modern Telescopes - Brazilian Workshop, Angra dos Reis, RJ.
2004 - "Period Changes in Pulsating White Dwarfs", European Workshop on White Dwarfs, Kiel.
- Coordenação da Assembléia do Whole Earth Telescope, Kiel.
- Coordenação da Assembléia da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira, Águas de São Pedro.
- "White Dwarfs", COROT Workshop, Natal
- Änãs Brancas", Workshop do Instituto do Milênio MEGALIT, SP
- Coordenação das discussões: "Divulgação e Ensino" &
"SOAR Status", Workshop do Instituto do Milênio MEGALIT, SP
2005 - "Measuring the Evolution of Pulsating White Dwarfs", International Astrophysics Meeting Stellar Pulsations and Evolution, Monte Porzio Catone", Italia.
- SOAR: "Status and Early Science", XXXI Reunião Anual da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira, Água de Lindóia, SP.
2006 - "White Dwarf Mass Distribution", EUROWD06, 15th European White Dwarf Workshop, Leicester, GB
2007 - "Discovery of New Pulsators from SDSS", e "PG1159-035", DARC Workshop, Delaware, EUA.
2008 - "Photometric observations of pulsating stars (ground based)", revisão convidada, Wroclaw Helas Workshop,
Interpretation of Asteroseismic Data, Wroclaw, Polônia.
- "New ZZ Ceti Stars", EUROWD08, 16th European White Dwarf Workshop, Barcelona, Espanha
2009 - "White Dwarfs", University of Padova, Itália
Ö Universo é Finito?", Livraria Cultura, Porto Alegre
"Vida e Morte das Estrela, Planetário da UFRGS
Ö Universo e o Ano Internacional de Astronomia", CEFET-Pelotas
Ö Universo é Finito", FURG
Ästronomy in Brazil", Abertura da Assembléia da IAU
"White Dwarf Seismology", revisão convidada, JD11 na IAU
"Vida e Morte das Estrelas", Universidade Comunitária de Chapecó
"Vida e Morte das Estrelas", PUC RS
Ö Universo é Finito", Abertura da Semana Acadêmica, UFSC
Ënanas Blancas", Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
2010 - "Magnetic White Dwarfs in the SDSS and Estimating the Masses of Normal DAs and DBs", revisão convidada, 17th European White Dwarf Workshop, Tübingen, Alemanha
2011 - "White Dwarfs", revisão convidada, Progress in solar/stellar physics with helio- and asteroseismology, Hakone, Japão
2012 - Masses, Luminosity Functions and Magnetism in DAs and DBs, 18th European White Dwarf Workshop (EUROWD12), Kraków, Poland 13-17th August 2012
2014 - I Encontro de Astronomia das Escolas Públicas do Ceará, Centro de Educação a Distância do Ceará, Sobral, Ceará
New White Dwarfs in SDSS DR10, 19th European White Dwarf Workshop (EUROWD14), Montréal, Canada, August 11-15th, 2014
2015 - Magnetic and Binary White Dwarf Stars, 14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Jul 12-18, Rome, La Sapienza
Low Mass White Dwarf Stars, Seventh Meeting on Hot Subdwarfs and Related Objects, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK, 2015 July 19th - 25th
Membro de Sociedades Profissionais:
Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira - Vice-Presidente (1986-1988) - Presidente (2002-2004)
União Astronômica Internacional
Participações em Bancas:
Roy Ostensen, 7 Nov 2000, Universitet i Trömso, Noruega, Doutorado
Travis S. Metcalfe, 16 Jun 2001, University of Texas at Austin, EUA, Doutorado
Humberto Luz Oliveira, 17 Out 2001, UFSC, Mestrado
Marcelo Allen, 27 Fev 2003, IAG-USP, Doutorado
Alexandre Soares de Oliveira, 12 Mar 2003, IAG-USP, Doutorado.
Marcos Peres Diaz, 25-26 Nov 2004, IAG-USP, Livre Docência
Tatiana Alexandrovna Michtchenko, 25-26 Nov 2004, IAG-USP, Livre Docência
Bárbara Garcia Castanheira, 3 dez 2004, Exâme de Doutorado, UFRGS.
Alex Fabiano Murillo da Costa, 6 dez 2004, Exâme de Doutorado, UFRGS.
Luciano Fraga, UFSC, 15 Dez 2004, Exâme de Qualificação
Marcio Gabriel dos Santos, 14 de julho de 2005, Exâme de Doutorado, UFRGS.
Wagner Luiz Ferreira Marcolino, 30 de mar de 2006, ON, Doutorado.
Cristián Cortés Angel, 26 de novembro de 2011, UFRN, Doutorado
Alexandre Zabot, 7 de abril de 2011, UFSC, Doutorado.
James Joseph Hermes, 23 de julho de 2013, University of Texas au Austin, EUA, Doutorado
Bruno Sversut Arsioli, 19 de dezembro de 2014 "Sapienza" University of Rome
File translated from
version 3.77. On 28 Dec 2018, 15:50.