Paul A. Bradley
TABLE 1: Names, Positions, and Magnitudes of the ZZ Ceti (DAV) Stars
WD # NAME VAR *a (2000.0)d (2000.0)Teff V MAG.B MAG.Amp.Periods
×103Kmags seconds
0019 +003 SDSS J001836.11+003151.1?? Psc 00 18 36+00 31.811.7 17.360.01258
0049 +153 SDSS J004855.17+152148.7?? Psc 00 48 55+15 21.811.3 18.680.02615
0102 -003 SDSS J010207.17-003259.4?? Cet 01 02 07-00 33.011.0 18.210.28830,926,complex
0104 -464 BPM 30551 AX Phe 01 06 56-46 10.211.3 15.2615.430.22 823 + others
0111 +002 SDSS J011100.63+001807.2?? Cet 01 11 01+00 18.111.5 18.760.14255,292
0133 -116 *R 548 ZZ Cet 01 36 10-11 20.712.0 14.1614.330.012 213,274
0145 -221 *MCT 0145-2211 ?? Cet 01 47 24-22 56 11.6 15.3 15.4 0.02 462,728,C
0214 -082 SDSS J021406.78-082318.4?? Cet 02 14 07-08 23.311.6 17.920.13263,297,347,348
0246 +326 KUV 02464+3239 AQ Tri 02 49 28+32 51.211.3 15.8 - 0.10 832+others
0318 +003 SDSS J031847.09+003029.9?? Cet 03 18 47+00 30.511.0 17.810.26536,587,826
0332 -005 SDSS J033236.61-004918.3?? Tau 03 32 37-00 49.311.0 18.180.21821+others
0341 -459 *BPM 31594 VY Hor 03 43 25-45 48.711.5 15.0315.240.28 402,618,C,H
0416 +272 HL Tau 76 V411 Tau04 18 59+27 18.411.4 15.2015.400.28 494,625,746,C,H
0417 +361 G 38-29 V468 Per04 20 18+36 16.611.2 15.5915.790.22 ~ 1000,C,H
0455 +553 G 191-16 BR Cam 04 59 28+55 25.311.4 15.9816.10.3 510,600,710,893,C,H
0507 +0435 HS0507+0435 V1396 Ori05 10 13+04 38.611.8 15.3615.6 0.2 355,445,560,C,H
0517 +307 GD 66 V361 Aur05 20 38+30 48.512.0 15.5615.780.02 197,272,302,819,C
0532 -560 HE 0532-5605 ?? Pic05 33 07-56 03.911.6 15.9 0.06 586,689,C
0756 +202 SDSS J075617.54+202010.2?? Gem 07 56 18+20 20.011.7 18.240.01199
0815 +444 SDSS J081531.75+443710.3?? Lyn 08 15 32+44 37.211.6 19.300.16258,311,512,788
0818 +313 SDSS J081828.98+313153.0?? Cnc 08 18 29+31 31.811.8 17.380.01202,253
0825 +412 SDSS J082547.00+411900.0?? Lyn 08 25 47+41 19.011.8 18.500.18611,653
0836 +404 KUV 08368+4026 DF Lyn 08 40 08+40 15.1- 15.5515.770.03 495,618
0842 +371 SDSS J084220.73+370701.7?? Lyn 08 42 21+37 07.011.7 18.750.14309
0847 +451 SDSS J084746.81+451006.3?? Lyn 08 47 47+45 10.111.7 18.320.07201
0858 +363 GD 99 VW Lyn 09 01 49+36 07.211.8 14.5514.740.07 350,481,592
0906 -002 SDSS J090624.26-002428.2?? Hya 09 06 24-00 24.511.5 17.730.18267,458,574,619,769
0913 +404 SDSS J091312.74+403628.8?? Lyn 09 13 13+40 36.511.7 17.640.02203,260,289,320
0921 +354 *G117-B15A RY LMi 09 24 17+35 16.911.6 15.5015.720.05 215,271,304C,H
NOTES: A "*" indicates multi-site campaign coverage on this object. Effective temperature reference is Bergeron et al. 2004, ApJ, 600, 404. A "C" in the period column stands for combination frequencies, and an "H" means harmonics are present.
TABLE 1(Cont'd): Names, Positions, and Magnitudes of the ZZ Ceti (DAV) Stars

WD # NAME VAR *a (2000.0)d (2000.0)Teff V MAG.B MAG.Amp.Periods
×103Kmags seconds
0923 +012 SDSS J092329.81+012020.0?? Hya 09 23 29+01 20.311.2 18.340.04595
0939 +561 SDSS J093944.89+560940.2?? UMa 09 39 45+56 09.711.8 18.700.06250
0942 +573 SDSS J094213.13+573342.5?? UMa 09 42 13+57 33.711.3 17.430.18451,550,695
0949 -000 SDSS J094917.04-000023.6?? Sex 09 49 17-00 00.411.2 18.800.22363,365,517,complex
0951 +131 HS 0951 +1312 ?? Leo 09 51 03+13 12.711.0 16.7 0.07208,259,282
0952 +182 HS 0952 +1816 ?? Leo 09 52 25+18 16.511.0 16.2 0.10854,1160,1466
0958 +013 SDSS J095833.13+013049.3?? Sex 09 58 33+01 30.811.7 16.700.05204,264
1002 +582 SDSS J100238.58+581835.9?? UMa 10 02 39+58 18.611.7 18.260.01268,305
1007 +525 SDSS J100718.26+524519.8?? UMa 10 07 18+52 45.311.4 18.870.02152,259,290,323
1015 +031 SDSS J101548.01+030648.4?? Sex 10 15 48+03 06.811.6 15.660.06195,256,270
1015 +595 SDSS J101519.65+595430.5?? UMa 10 15 20+59 54.511.6 17.950.13213,292,402,454
1054 +531 SDSS J105449.87+530759.1?? UMa 10 54 50+53 08.011.2 17.920.04445,869
1056 -001 SDSS J105612.32-000621.7?? Leo 10 56 12-00 06.411.0 17.520.28314,474,942
1122 +036 SDSS J112221.10+035822.4?? Leo 11 22 21+03 58.411.1 18.130.13859,996
1125 +035 SDSS J112542.84+034506.3?? Leo 11 25 43+03 45.111.6 18.070.08209,266
1137 +423 KUV 11370+4222 IZ UMa 11 39 41+42 05.3- 16.5616.780.006 257+others
1157 +055 SDSS J115707.43+055303.6?? Vir 11 57 07+05 53.111.0 17.590.11436,459,748,826,919
1159 +803 G255-2 BT Cam 12 01 48+80 05.011.4 16.04- 0.04 685,830 + others
1236 -495 *BPM 37093 V886 Cen12 38 48-49 49.011.7 13.9614.140.004 ~ 600
1258 +013 HE 1258+0123 ?? Vir13 01 10+01 07.611.8 16.26- 0.11 745,1092,C
1307 +354 *GD 154 BG CVn13 09 58+35 09.511.2 15.3315.510.10 403,1089,1186,C,H
1345 -006 SDSS J134550.93-005536.5?? Vir 13 45 51-00 55.611.8 16.700.04196,254
1349 +552 LP 133-144 ?? UMa13 51 16+54 57.911.5 - 16.00.08 ~ 209
1350 +656 G 238-53 DU Dra13 52 12+65 24.911.9 15.5115.70.02 ~ 206
1354 +011 SDSS J135459.89+010819.3?? Vir 13 55 00+01 08.311.7 16.360.05128,173,198,292,323
1355 +545 SDSS J135531.03+545404.4?? UMa 13 55 31+54 54.111.6 18.580.02324
1401 -147 EC 14012-1446 IU Vir14 03 57-15 01.1- 15.6715.500.30 610,724 + others
1417 +006 SDSS J141708.81+005827.2?? Vir 14 17 09+00 58.411.3 18.030.22812,894
1422 +095 *GD 165 CX Boo14 24 40+09 17.312.0 14.3214.460.10 114,120,192,250,C
NOTES: A "*" indicates multi-site campaign coverage on this object. Effective temperature reference is Bergeron et al. 2004, ApJ, 600, 404. A "C" in the period column stands for combination frequencies, and an "H" means harmonics are present.
TABLE 1(Cont'd): Names, Positions, and Magnitudes of the ZZ Ceti (DAV) Stars

WD # NAME VAR *a (2000.0)d (2000.0)Teff V MAG.B MAG.Amp.Periods
×103Kmags seconds
1425 -811 *L 19-2 MY Aps14 32 18-81 20.112.1 13.7514.000.03 113,118,143,192,350
1443 +013 SDSS J144330.93+013405.8?? Vir 14 43 31+01 34.111.8 18.720.14969,1085
1502 -000 SDSS J150207.02-000147.1?? Vir 15 02 07-00 01.811.2 18.680.22314,418,582,630,688
1517 -248 GW Lib GW Lib15 19 56-25 00.416.1 18 0.14 230,370,650,C,H
1524 -003 SDSS J152403.25-003022.9?? Ser 15 24 03-00 30.4- 16.030.54434,873
1541 +650 PG 1541+650 KX Dra15 41 44+64 53.912.0 - 15.7 0.045 562,686, 757
1559 +369 R 808 TY CrB16 01 21+36 47.011.2 14.3614.530.15 833,complex,C,H
1610 -010 SDSS J161033.64-010223.3?? 16 10 33-01 02.419 0.15 345,606,C,H
1617 +432 SDSS J161737.63+432443.8?? Her 16 17 38+43 24.711.2 18.330.28626,890
1647 +591 *G 226-29 DN Dra16 48 26+59 03.512.5 12.2412.400.006 109
1700 +355 SDSS J170055.38+354951.1?? Her 17 00 55+35 49.811.2 17.260.20450,893,955
1711 +654 SDSS J171113.01+654158.3?? Dra 17 11 13+65 42.011.3 16.890.06606,690,1248
1714 -547 BPM 24754 V876 Ara17 19 01-54 46.312.9 15.6015.870.07 ~ 1100
1724 +584 SDSS J172428.42+583539.0?? Dra 17 24 28+58 35.611.5 17.540.07189,280,338
1732 +590 SDSS J173235.19+590533.4?? Dra 17 32 35+59 05.510.9 18.740.081122,1248
1855 +338 G 207-9 V470 Lyr18 57 30+33 57.212.0 14.6214.810.06 259,292,557,739,C
1935 +276 *G 185-32 PY Vul19 37 13+27 43.312.1 12.9713.150.02 141,215,C,H
1950 +250 GD 385 PT Vul19 52 28+25 09.311.7 15.1215.320.05 256,C
2159 +132 SDSS J215905.52+132255.7?? Peg21 59 06+13 22.911.7 18.870.02684,801
2215 -003 SDSS J221458.37-002511.7?? Aqr22 14 58-00 25.211.4 17.910.02191,255
2254 +126 GD 244 V394 Peg22 56 46+12 52.911.7 - 16.0 (pg)0.04 203,256,295,307,C
2303 +242 *PG 2303+242 KR Peg23 06 18+24 32.111.5 15.5015.58(pg)0.2 394,483,540,611,C,H
2326 +049 *G 29-38 ZZ Psc23 28 49+05 15.011.8 13.0313.170.27 284,615,820,C,H
2347 +128 G 30-20 ?? Peg23 49 52+13 06.211.1 - 15.9 0.12 ~ 1000, complex
2348 -244 EC 23487-2424 HW Aqr23 51 22-24 08.2- 15.3315.520.24 ~ 800-1000, complex
2350 -005 SDSS J235040.72-005430.9?? Psc 23 50 41-00 54.510.4 18.100.09273,304,391
NOTES: A "*" indicates multi-site campaign coverage on this object. Effective temperature reference is Bergeron et al. 2004, ApJ, 600, 404. A "C" in the period column stands for combination frequencies, and an "H" means harmonics are present.
TABLE 2: Effective Temperatures and Gravities of the ZZ Ceti (DAV) Stars

WD # NAME New New KA KA KN Daou Daou W86 WK84 WK84
0018 +003 SDSS J001836.11+003151.111.7c7.93
0049 +152 SDSS J004855.17+152148.711.3c8.23
0102 -003 SDSS J010207.17-003259.411.0b8.24
0104 -464 BPM 30551 11.3a8.2310.6 8.0
0111 +002 SDSS J011100.63+001807.211.5b8.26
0133 -116 R 548 12.0a7.9711.812.87.8 12.8-11.9 8.1
0145 -221 MCT 0145-2211 11.6a8.14
0214 -082 SDSS J021406.78-082318.411.6b7.92
0246 +326 KUV02464+3239 11.3a8.08
0318 +003 SDSS J031847.09+003029.911.0b8.07
0332 -005 SDSS J033236.61-004918.311.0b8.25
0341 -459 BPM 31594 11.5a8.1112.8 7.5
0416 +272 HL Tau 76 11.4a7.8911.3 7.9
0417 +361 G 38-29 11.2a7.9111.2 7.9
0455 +553 G 191-16 11.4a8.0512.4 8.0
0507 +434 HS0504+0434B 11.6a8.17
0517 +307 GD 66 12.0a8.0512.47.9 11.7
0532 -560 HE 0532-5605 11.6a8.49
0756 +202 SDSS J075617.54+202010.211.7c8.01
0815 +444 SDSS J081531.75+443710.311.6b7.93
0818 +313 SDSS J081828.98+313153.011.8c8.07
0825 +412 SDSS J082547.00+411900.011.8b8.49
0836 +404 KUV08368+4026 11.5a8.05
0842 +371 SDSS J084220.73+370701.711.7b7.73
0847 +451 SDSS J084746.81+451006.311.7b8.00
0858 +363 GD 99 11.8a8.0811. 12.0 8.2
0906 -002 SDSS J090624.26-002428.211.5b8.00
0913 +404 SDSS J091312.74+403628.811.7c7.87
0921 +354 G117-B15A 11.6a7.9712.38.1 11.813.27.8 13.0 13.0 8.2
NOTES: If no logg column is present, then logg is assumed to be 8.0. References are in the reference list. Under "New", the a refers to Bergeron et al. 2004, ApJ, 600, 404; the b refers to Mukadam et al. 2004, ApJ, 607, 982; and the c refers to Mullally et al. 2005, ApJ, in press.
TABLE 2:(Cont'd) Effective Temperatures and Gravities of the ZZ Ceti (DAV) Stars

WD # NAME New New KA KA KN Daou Daou W86 WK84 WK84
0923 +012 SDSS J092329.81+012020.011.2b8.74
0939 +561 SDSS J093944.89+560940.211.8b8.22
0942 +573 SDSS J094213.13+573342.511.3b8.27
0949 -000 SDSS J094917.04-000023.611.2b8.22
0951 +131 HS 0951+1312 11.0b
0952 +182 HS 0952+1816 11.0b
0958 +013 SDSS J095833.13+013049.311.7b7.99
1002 +582 SDSS J100238.58+581835.911.7c7.92
1007 +525 SDSS J100718.26+524519.811.4c8.08
1015 +031 SDSS J101548.01+030648.411.6b8.14
1015 +595 SDSS J101519.65+595430.511.6b8.02
1054 +531 SDSS J105449.87+530759.111.1c8.01
1056 -001 SDSS J105612.32-000621.711.0b7.86
1122 +036 SDSS J112221.10+035822.411.1b8.06
1125 +034 SDSS J112542.84+034506.311.6b7.99
1137 +423 KUV11370+4222 11.9a8.06
1157 +055 SDSS J115707.43+055303.611.0b8.15
1159 +803 G255-2 11.4a8.1710.0# 7.8
1236 -495 BPM 37093 11.7a8.8111.78.7
1258 +013 HE 1258+0123 11.4a8.04
1307 +354 GD 154 11.2a8.1510.28.0 10.311.38.4 11.7
1345 -006 SDSS J134550.93-005536.511.8b8.04
1349 +552 LP 133-144 11.8a7.87
1350 +656 G 238-53 11.9a7.9112.27.8
1354 +011 SDSS J135459.89+010819.311.7b8.00
1355 +545 SDSS J135531.03+545404.511.6c7.95
1401-147 EC14012-1446 11.9a8.16
1417 +006 SDSS J141708.81+005827.211.3b8.04
1422 +095 GD 165 12.0a8.0613.38.0
NOTES: If no logg column is present, then logg is assumed to be 8.0. References are in the reference list. Under "New", the a refers to Bergeron et al. 2004, ApJ, 600, 404; the b refers to Mukadam et al. 2004, ApJ, 607, 982; and the c refers to Mullally et al. 2005, ApJ, in press.
TABLE 2:(Cont'd) Effective Temperatures and Gravities of the ZZ Ceti (DAV) Stars

WD # NAME New New KA KA KN Daou Daou W86 WK84 WK84
1425 -811 L 19-2 12.1a8.2112.312.213.38.0 12.6
1443 +013 SDSS J144330.93+013405.810.8b8.15
1502 -000 SDSS J150207.02-000147.111.2b8.00
1524 -003 SDSS J152403.25-003022.9b
1541 +650 PG1541+650 11.6a8.10
1559 +369 R 808 11.2a8.0410.9
1617 +432 SDSS J161737.63+432443.811.2b8.03
1647 +591 G 226-29 12.5a8.2812.08.1212.113.68.1812.4+12.5 8.4
1700 +355 SDSS J170055.38+354951.111.2b8.04
1711 +654 SDSS J171113.01+654158.311.3b8.64
1714 -547 BPM 24754 11.1a8.03
1724 +584 SDSS J172428.42+583539.011.5b7.89
1732 +590 SDSS J173235.19+590533.410.9b7.99
1855 +338 G 207-9 12.0a8.3511.78.1612.013.0# 8.2
1935 +276 G 185-32 12.1a8.0511.67.9312.012.5 11.9 8.1
1950 +250 GD 385 11.7a8.0411.8 8.0
2159 +132 SDSS J215905.52+132255.711.7c8.61
2215 -003 SDSS J221458.37-002511.711.4c8.33
2254 +126 GD 244 11.7a8.08
2303 +242 PG2303+242 11.5a8.0911.4 8.0
2326 +049 G 29-38 11.8a8.1411.411.68.1 12.1 11.6 7.9
2347+128 G 30-20 11.1a7.95
2348-244 EC23487-2424 11.5a8.10
2350 -005 SDSS J235040.72-005430.910.4b8.31
NOTES: If no logg column is present, then logg is assumed to be 8.0. References are in the reference list. Under "New", the a refers to Bergeron et al. 2004, ApJ, 600, 404; the b refers to Mukadam et al. 2004, ApJ, 607, 982; and the c refers to Mullally et al. 2005, ApJ, in press.


Original by Paul Bradley - HTML Enhanced by Travis Metcalfe     (DAV | DBV | DOV)

   WD#: entry in White Dwarf Database        VAR*: discovery paper in NASA ADS        Periods: low-res light curve image    

TABLE 1: Names, Positions, and Magnitudes of the ZZ Ceti (DAV) Stars

WD # NAME VAR *a (2000.0)d (2000.0)Teff V MAG.B MAG.Amp.Periods
×103Kmags seconds
0104 -464 BPM 30551 AX Phe 01 06 56-46 10.211.3 15.2615.43 0.22 823 + others
0133 -116 R 548 ZZ Cet 01 36 10-11 20.712.0 14.1614.33 0.012 213,274
0246 +326 KUV 02464+3239?? Tri 02 49 28+32 51.211.3 15.8 - 0.10 832+others
0341 -459 *BPM 31594 VY Hor 03 43 25-45 48.711.5 15.0315.24 0.28 402,618,C,H
0416 +272 HL Tau 76 V411 Tau04 18 59+27 18.411.4 15.2015.40 0.28 494,625,746,C,H
0417 +361 G 38-29 V468 Per04 20 18+36 16.611.2 15.5915.79 0.22 ~ 1000,C,H
0455 +553 G 191-16 BR Cam 04 59 28+55 25.311.4 15.9816.1 0.3 510,600,710,893,C,H
0507 +0435 HS0507+0435 V1396 Ori05 10 13+04 38.611.8 15.3615.6 0.2 355,445,560,C,H
0517 +307 GD 66 V361 Aur05 20 38+30 48.512.0 15.5615.78 0.02 197,272,302,819,C
0836 +404 KUV 08368+4026DF Lyn 08 40 08+40 15.1- 15.5515.77 0.03 495,618
0858 +363 GD 99 VW Lyn 09 01 49+36 07.211.8 14.5514.74 0.07 350,481,592
0921 +354 *G117-B15A RY LMi 09 24 17+35 16.911.6 15.5015.72 0.05 215,271,304C,H
1137 +423 KUV 11370+4222IZ UMa 11 39 41+42 05.3- 16.5616.78 0.006 257+others
1159 +803 G255-2 BT Cam 12 01 48+80 05.011.4 16.04- 0.04 685,830 + others
1236 -495 BPM 37093 V886 Cen12 38 48-49 49.011.7 13.9614.14 0.004 ~ 600
1307 +354 *GD 154 BG CVn13 09 58+35 09.511.2 15.3315.51 0.10 403,1089,1186,C,H
1350 +656 G 238-53 DU Dra13 52 12+65 24.911.9 15.5115.7 0.02 ~ 206
1401 -147 EC 14012-1446 IU Vir14 03 57-15 01.1- 15.6715.500.30 610,724 + others
1422 +095 *GD 165 CX Boo14 24 40+09 17.312.0 14.3214.46 0.10 114,120,192,250,C
1425 -811 *L 19-2 MY Aps14 32 18-81 20.112.1 13.7514.00 0.03 113,118,143,192,350
1541 +650 PG 1541+650 KX Dra15 41 44+64 53.912.0 - 15.7 0.045 562,686, 757
1559 +369 R 808 TY CrB16 01 21+36 47.011.2 14.3614.53 0.15 833,complex,C,H
1647 +591 *G 226-29 DN Dra16 48 26+59 03.512.5 12.2412.40 0.006 109
1714 -547 BPM 24754 V876 Ara17 18 54-54 47.112.9 15.6015.87 0.07 ~ 1100
1855 +338 G 207-9 V470 Lyr18 57 30+33 57.212.0 14.6214.81 0.06 259,292,557,739,C
1935 +276 *G 185-32 PY Vul19 37 13+27 43.312.1 12.9713.15 0.02 141,215,C,H
1950 +250 GD 385 PT Vul19 52 28+25 09.311.7 15.1215.32 0.05 256,C
2254 +126 GD 244 ?? Peg22 56 46+12 52.911.7 - 16.0 (pg) 0.04 203,256,295,307,C
2303 +242 *PG 2303+242 KR Peg23 06 16+24 32.011.5 15.5015.58(pg) 0.2 394,483,540,611,936,C,H
2326 +049 *G 29-38 ZZ Psc23 28 49+05 15.011.8 13.0313.17 0.27 284,615,820,C,H
2348 -244 EC 23487-2424 HW Aqr23 51 22-24 08.2- 15.3315.52 0.24 ~ 800-1000, complex

NOTES: A ``*'' indicates multi-site campaign coverage on this object. Effective temperature reference is Bergeron et al. 1995, ApJ, 449, 258. A ``C'' in the period column stands for combination frequencies, and an ``H'' means harmonics are present.

TABLE 3: Names, Positions, and Magnitudes of the DBV Stars

WD # NAME VAR *a (2000.0)d (2000.0)TeffV MAG.B MAG.Amp. Periods
×(103)K(mags) (seconds)
0513 +260 KUV 05134+2605V1063 Tau05 16 28+26 08.623.3 16.3 - 0.10 400, complex
0954 +342 CBS 114 SW LMi 09 57 50+33 59.723.3 17(pg)- 0.30 650, complex
1115 +158 *PG 1115+158 DT Leo 11 18 23+15 33.521.8 - 16.12(pg) 0.06 1000, complex
1351 +489 *PG 1351+489 EM UMa 13 53 10+48 40.422.6 - 16.38(pg) 0.05 489+harmonics
1456 +103 PG 1456+103 CW Boo 14 58 33+10 08.322.4 - 15.89(pg) 0.10 420-860, complex
1645 +325 *GD 358 V777 Her16 47 19+32 28.524.7±0.313.65 13.54 0.10 700, complex
1654 +160 PG 1654+160 V824 Her16 56 58+15 56.424.3 - 16.15(pg) 0.10 150-850, complex
2006 -523 *EC 20058-5234QU Tel20 09 40-52 25.427.1 15.54 0.07134,195,204,257,281
2246 +120 PG 2246+121?? Peg22 48 44+12 20.023.2 16.73 16.23(pg) 0.05256,286,330

NOTE: Temperatures are from: Beauchamp, A., et al. 1999, ApJ, 516, 887. I am using the trace hydrogen model atmosphere results from their Table 1. A ``*'' indicates multi-site campaign coverage on this object.

TABLE 5: Names, Positions, and Magnitudes of the PG1159 (DOV) Stars

WD # NAME VAR *a (2000.0)d (2000.0)TeffV MAG.B Mag.Amp.Periods
Pulsating PG1159 (DOV) Stars
0122 +200 *PG 0122+200 BB Psc01 25 22+20 17.8 80 - 16.13 0.10400-600 complex
1159 -035 *PG 1159-035GW Vir12 01 46-03 45.6140 14.8414.21 0.10 ~ 500 complex
1707 +427 *PG 1707+427 V817 Her17 08 48+42 41.0 85 16.6916.08 0.10 ~ 450 complex
2131 +066 *PG 2131+066 IR Peg21 34 08+06 50.9 95 16.6316.24 0.10400-600 complex
2324 +397 *HS 2324+3944 V409 And23 27 16+40 01.4130 14.8 0.02 ~ 2100 ?
Pulsating Planetary Nebula Nuclei (PNNVs)
NGC 246 118-7401?? Cet00 47.0 -11 52 15011.96- ~ 0.002 ~ 1500
NGC 1501 *144+601 CH Cam04 06 59+60 55 13ND14.4 - ~ 0.15 ~ 1500 complex
NGC 2371-2 189+1901?? Gem07 25 35+29 29 26ND14.85- ~ 0.01 ~ 1000 complex
NGC 2867 278-501 ?? Car09 21 25-58 18 41ND- 16.6(pg) ~ 0.02 ~ 770
Lo-4 *274+901 LV Vel10 05 46-44 21 4412016.6 16.45 ~ 0.061800-2000 complex
NGC 5189 307-301 KN Mus13 33 33-65 58 26ND- 14.9(pg) ~ 0.003 ~ 690
Sanduleak 3*?? Lup 16 03 08-35 37.3 130- 13 (pg) up to 0.01 ~ 1000
K 1-16 94+2701DS Dra18 21 52+64 21 53140 15.0814.66 ~ 0.051500-1700 complex
NGC 6905 61-901 ?? Del20 22 23+20 06 16ND15.7 - ~ 0.01 710, 875, + others
2117 +341 *RXJ 2117+3412V2027 Cyg21 17 07+34 12.4170 13.16- 0.05 ~ 800 complex

NOTES: Temperatures for the PG 1159 stars taken from: Dreizler, S. 1995, 9th European Workshop on White Dwarf Stars, ed. D. Koester & K. Werner, (Berlin: Springer), 160. For the non-pulsating stars, an ``NS'' means the star has not been checked for variability, while an ``NV'' means the star is considered non-variable, but does not have a published amplitude limit. A ``*'' indicates multi-site campaign coverage on this object.

Anjm Mukadam et al. (2004) new DAVs

Object SDSS Object Name Plate MJD Fiber RA2000 Dec2000 Teff logg EW (Hb) EW (Hg) u-g g-r g
(K) (Å) (Å)
WD0102-0032 SDSS J010207.17-003259.4 396 51816 262 01:02:07 -00:32:59 11062 ±090 8.16 ±0.06 54.66 ±1.14 34.31 ±0.82 0.43 -0.04 18.21
WD0111+0018 SDSS J011100.63+001807.2 694 52209 597 01:11:01 +00:18:07 11413 ±090 8.16 ±0.05 52.19 ±1.56 35.52 ±1.13 0.41 -0.19 18.76
WD0214-0823 SDSS J021406.78-082318.4 668 52162 354 02:14:07 -08:23:18 11494 ±079 7.85 ±0.04 54.80 ±1.04 32.88 ±0.77 0.28 -0.14 17.92
WD0318+0030 SDSS J031847.09+003029.9 413 51821 483 03:18:47 +00:30:30 11160 ±067 8.26 ±0.05 56.09 ±0.92 30.27 ±0.62 0.44 -0.18 17.81
WD0332-0049 SDSS J033236.61-004918.3 415 51810 211 03:32:37 -00:49:18 11131 ±069 8.26 ±0.05 53.16 ±1.03 29.33 ±0.73 0.42 -0.11 18.18
WD0815+4437 SDSS J081531.75+443710.3 547 51959 350 08:15:32 +44:37:10 11340 ±130 8.21 ±0.07 52.79 ±1.83 32.19 ±1.33 0.34 -0.06 19.30
WD0825+4119 SDSS J082547.00+411900.0 760 52264 604 08:25:47 +41:19:00 11910 ±160 8.39 ±0.05 55.10 ±1.33 32.91 ±0.98 0.34 -0.11 18.50
WD0842+3707 SDSS J084220.73+370701.7 864 52320 548 08:42:21 +37:07:02 11870 ±150 7.42 ±0.07 56.82 ±1.48 33.95 ±1.06 0.54 -0.18 18.75
WD0847+4510 SDSS J084746.81+451006.3 763 52235 144 08:47:47 +45:10:06 11850 ±110 7.88 ±0.05 53.99 ±1.20 34.73 ±0.86 0.42 -0.22 18.32
WD0906-0024 SDSS J090624.26-002428.2 470 51929 081 09:06:24 -00:24:28 11610 ±086 7.90 ±0.05 52.94 ±0.95 35.47 ±0.67 0.44 -0.18 17.73
WD0939+5609 SDSS J093944.89+560940.2 556 51991 476 09:39:45 +56:09:40 11660 ±110 7.95 ±0.06 52.46 ±1.53 34.46 ±1.12 0.43 -0.17 18.70
WD0942+5733 SDSS J094213.13+573342.5 452 51911 023 09:42:13 +57:33:43 11183 ±060 8.00 ±0.05 50.91 ±0.82 30.10 ±0.60 0.39 -0.13 17.43
WD0949-0000 SDSS J094917.04-000023.6 266 51630 037 09:49:17 -00:00:24 11280 ±140 7.98 ±0.07 51.42 ±1.65 29.88 ±1.27 0.45 -0.13 18.80
WD0958+0130 SDSS J095833.13+013049.3 500 51994 163 09:58:33 +01:30:49 11778 ±055 7.97 ±0.03 51.96 ±0.60 38.22 ±0.42 0.41 -0.23 16.70
WD1015+0306 SDSS J101548.01+030648.4 503 51999 329 10:15:48 +03:06:48 11688 ±033 8.09 ±0.01 54.61 ±0.34 35.50 ±0.24 0.37 -0.10 15.66
WD1015+5954 SDSS J101519.65+595430.5 559 52316 330 10:15:20 +59:54:31 11672 ±092 7.56 ±0.06 54.48 ±1.11 34.58 ±0.81 0.65 -0.31 17.95
WD1056-0006 SDSS J105612.32-000621.7 276 51909 073 10:56:12 -00:06:22 11087 ±051 7.85 ±0.03 49.36 ±0.85 32.41 ±0.60 0.15 -0.20 17.52
WD1122+0358 SDSS J112221.10+035822.4 836 52376 214 11:22:21 +03:58:22 11099 ±078 7.93 ±0.05 51.71 ±1.12 34.21 ±0.78 0.47 -0.01 18.13
WD1125+0345 SDSS J112542.84+034506.3 836 52376 050 11:25:43 +03:45:06 11610 ±100 7.89 ±0.05 53.86 ±1.10 37.60 ±0.78 0.46 -0.12 18.07
WD1157+0553 SDSS J115707.43+055303.6 841 52375 377 11:57:07 +05:53:04 11074 ±049 8.11 ±0.04 50.22 ±0.87 32.75 ±0.63 0.32 -0.04 17.59
WD1345-0055 SDSS J134550.93-005536.5 300 51666 288 13:45:51 -00:55:37 11820 ±053 8.07 ±0.02 56.51 ±0.54 33.51 ±0.38 0.38 -0.17 16.70
WD1354+0108 SDSS J135459.89+010819.3 301 51641 322 13:55:00 +01:08:19 11702 ±046 8.03 ±0.02 54.52 ±0.47 32.32 ±0.33 0.42 -0.17 16.36
WD1417+0058 SDSS J141708.81+005827.2 304 51609 345 14:17:09 +00:58:27 11385 ±080 8.03 ±0.04 55.83 ±1.07 31.67 ±0.76 0.47 -0.22 18.03
WD1443+0134 SDSS J144330.93+013405.8 537 52027 279 14:43:31 +01:34:06 10430 ±100 7.70 ±0.09 0.46 -0.12 18.72
WD1502-0001 SDSS J150207.02-000147.1 310 51990 229 15:02:07 -00:01:47 11116 ±096 8.18 ±0.06 52.36 ±1.26 30.70 ±0.88 0.37 -0.14 18.68
WD1524-0030 SDSS J152403.25-003022.9 15:24:03 -00:30:23 0.38 -0.23 16.03
WD1617+4324 SDSS J161737.63+432443.8 815 52374 390 16:17:38 +43:24:44 11336 ±092 7.86 ±0.05 51.81 ±1.22 33.06 ±0.88 0.45 -0.19 18.33
WD1700+3549 SDSS J170055.38+354951.1 820 52433 110 17:00:55 +35:49:51 11237 ±055 7.95 ±0.03 50.10 ±0.85 33.70 ±0.62 0.47 -0.16 17.26
WD1711+6541 SDSS J171113.01+654158.3 350 51691 362 17:11:13 +65:41:58 11392 ±044 8.60 ±0.02 54.32 ±0.63 28.54 ±0.46 0.19 -0.11 16.89
WD1724+5835 SDSS J172428.42+583539.0 366 52017 264 17:24:28 +58:35:39 11565 ±074 8.03 ±0.04 58.33 ±0.77 30.85 ±0.54 0.43 -0.19 17.54
WD1732+5905 SDSS J173235.19+590533.4 366 52017 591 17:32:35 +59:05:33 11160 ±099 8.20 ±0.08 51.91 ±1.39 32.36 ±0.96 0.47 -0.10 18.74
WD2350-0054 SDSS J235040.72-005430.9 386 51788 135 23:50:41 -00:54:31 10254 ±056 7.85 ±0.07 45.81 ±1.23 27.16 ±0.90 0.42 -0.11 18.10

Fergal Mullally's et al. 2005 new DAVs

MjdPlateFiberDesignationTeff log(g) HbHgu - gg - rg
0688348SDSS J001836.1+003151.111696±0767.93±0.04552.66±0.8132.70±0.590.452-0.16017.360
518710420388SDSS J004855.1+152148.711290±1168.23±0.08052.51±1.5837.41±1.130.401-0.10918.676
529411583167SDSS J075617.5+202010.211713±1098.01±0.05954.92±1.3336.07±0.980.465-0.15018.240
526190931321SDSS J081828.9+313153.011801±0778.07±0.03355.25±0.8038.65±0.570.382-0.18517.381
526681200017SDSS J091312.7+403628.811677±0787.87±0.04153.90±1.0237.78±0.710.495-0.22417.635
523170558573SDSS J100238.5+581835.911707±1317.92±0.07054.82±1.3236.83±0.950.480-0.20118.264
524000903557SDSS J100718.2+524519.811426±1308.08±0.08256.47±1.6837.61±1.190.414-0.16218.872
526491010629SDSS J105449.8+530759.111118±0768.01±0.05050.81±1.0237.85±0.710.451-0.15617.922
527971323161SDSS J135531.0+545404.511576±1447.95±0.08852.32±1.4836.70±1.050.398-0.14618.583
522240734419SDSS J215905.5+132255.711705±1608.61±0.06754.86±1.7537.52±1.280.381-0.19318.873
517910374180SDSS J221458.3-002511.711439±0788.33±0.04652.41±1.0636.63±0.770.334-0.09917.909

New variables found by Barbara Castanheira at LNA

HE0031-5525 00:33:36.0 -55:08:37.0 2000 15.9 11476 7.65
WD0145-221 01:47:21.0 -21:56:51.0 2000 15.3 11921 7.90
WD0249-0100 SDSS-0707-52177-042 02:49:22.3 -01:00:06.7 2000 19.1 11057 8.31
WD2135-0743 SDSS-0641-52176-112 SDSS-52199-0641-112 21:35:30.3 -07:43:30.7 2000 18.6 11270 7.90
WD2307-0847 SDSS-0725-52258-586 23:07:26.6 -08:47:00.2 2000 18.8 11055 8.19
WD1533-0206 SDSS-0925-52411-139 15:33:33.0 -02:06:55.8 2000 16.6 11354 8.20
WD2231+1346 SDSS-0738-52521-470 22:31:35.7 13:46:52.8 2000 18.6 11084 7.95
WD2128-0007 SDSS-1522-52932-037 21:28:08.4 -00:07:50.8 2000 18.6 11270 7.90

New variables found by Kepler with SOAR

spSpec-52642-1185-085 wd0825+032917.4811801
spSpec-52670-1190-322 wd0851+0605 17.0811333
spSpec-52238-0566-031 wd0911+0310 18.4111634
spSpec-52976-1301-445 wd0917+092618.0911341
spSpec-51900-0278-367 wd1106+011518.3711026
spSpec-52672-1230-188 wd1216+092218.5611293
spSpec-52313-0333-077 wd1222-024316.7411398
spSpec-52000-0288-412 wd1218+004218.5211170
spSpec-51689-0293-603 wd1301+010716.3011057
spSpec-51955-0298-608 wd1337+010418.5711523
spSpec-52650-1188-191 wd0843+043117.9311288
spSpec-51692-0339-629 wd1310-015917.6711024
spSpec-52045-0582-551 wd1408+044517.9310938

Volta Astronomia e Astrofísica

Modificada em 13 apr 2005