In 1925, the English expedition that had proved the Theory of Relativity in the interior of Ceará in 1919 was already world famous and, of course, had great repercussion with the Brazilian press.
When Einstein arrived in Brazil, physician Aloísio de Castro expressed how much the Brazilian population was proud of the expedition to Sobral, says Tolmasquim. Kindly, Einstein replied: "The idea that my mind conceived was proven in the sunny sky of Brazil."

Daniel Kennefick no Physics Today, March 2009
Constructing a "revolution in science": the campaign to promote a favourable reception for the 1919 solar eclipse experiments,
Alistair Sponsel,
The British Journal for the History of Science, Volume 35, Issue 04, Dec 2002, pp 439-467.
O Universo
Astronomia e Astrofísica

Modificada em 26 maio 2009